Weegy: Motor-Voter Law is the law that requires states to make voter registration materials available at driver-licensing and motor vehicles offices.
User: What's the purpose of voter registration?
Weegy: The purpose of voter registration is to prevent fraud voting.
Summarize the three main effects of third parties on American politics.
Weegy: The three main effects of third parties on American politics are 1. Third parties offer another option to voters who don't want to vote for either of the major parties, 2. They have told political leaders the actual concerns of voters, and 3. [ they have occasionally affected the outcome of national elections.
User: How is a special issue interest group like the AARP different from an organized labor interest group?
Weegy: A special issue interest group like the AARP is different from an organized labor interest group because special issues groups talk about issues of public concern, [ like the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) helps the concerns of older people.
User: ummarize three main things interest groups do to get laws passed in their favor.