Question and answer
Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during World War II? A) Leon Trotsky B) Vladimir Lenin C) Joseph Stalin
Asked 4 days ago|1/9/2025 5:25:35 AM
Updated 4 days ago|1/9/2025 5:50:47 AM
5 Answers/Comments
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User: Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during World War II? A) Leon Trotsky B) Vladimir Lenin C) Joseph Stalin

Weegy: Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known as Lenin, was the leader of the Bolsheviks in Soviet Russia.

Score .8515

User: Which battle was the turning point of the American Civil War? A) The Battle of Antietam B) The Battle of Gettysburg C) The Battle of Bull Run D) The Battle of Vicksburg

Weegy: Bull Run was the first battle of the Civil War.
Score 1

User: What historical document limited the power of the king in England? A) The English Bill of Rights B) The Magna Carta C) The Act of Settlement D) The Petition of Right

Weegy: Magna Carta is a charter of rights agreed to by King John of England at Runnymede, near Windsor, on 15 June 1215.

Score 1

User: What significant event happened in 1066? A) The signing of the Magna Carta B) The beginning of the Crusades C) The Norman Conquest of England D) The establishment of the Holy Roman Empire

Weegy: Magna Carta is a charter of rights agreed to by King John of England at Runnymede, near Windsor, on 15 June 1215.

Score 1

User: What was the main purpose of the Silk Road? A) Military conquest B) Religious pilgrimage C) Trade route between East and West D) Scientific exploration

Asked 4 days ago|1/9/2025 5:25:35 AM
Updated 4 days ago|1/9/2025 5:50:47 AM
5 Answers/Comments
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The main purpose of the Silk Road was to serve as a trade route between East and West.
Added 4 days ago|1/9/2025 5:45:34 AM
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Confirmed by oldwallet [1/9/2025 5:58:58 AM]
The significant event that happened in 1066 was the Norman Conquest of England.
Added 4 days ago|1/9/2025 5:46:26 AM
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Confirmed by oldwallet [1/9/2025 5:59:00 AM]
The historical document that limited the power of the king in England is the Magna Carta.
Added 4 days ago|1/9/2025 5:47:31 AM
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Confirmed by oldwallet [1/9/2025 5:59:02 AM]
The turning point of the American Civil War was the Battle of Gettysburg.
Added 4 days ago|1/9/2025 5:49:34 AM
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Confirmed by oldwallet [1/9/2025 5:59:03 AM]
The leader of the Soviet Union during World War II was Joseph Stalin.
Added 4 days ago|1/9/2025 5:50:47 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Confirmed by oldwallet [1/9/2025 5:59:04 AM]

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Updated 4 days ago|1/9/2025 5:08:58 AM
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Not Answered
Updated 4 days ago|1/9/2025 4:50:12 AM
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The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson.
Added 4 days ago|1/9/2025 4:50:12 AM
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Confirmed by yumdrea [1/9/2025 4:53:58 AM]
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Expert Answered
Asked 4 days ago|1/9/2025 4:31:12 AM
0 Answers/Comments
Which case type can function as a subject or predicate nominative only? A. nominative B. objective C. possessive D. personal
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Not Answered
Updated 4 days ago|1/9/2025 5:07:12 AM
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Wagner believed that drama was the most important element of opera.
Added 4 days ago|1/9/2025 4:58:26 AM
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Confirmed by Cliff: [1/9/2025 5:07:10 AM]
A standard drink contains __________ of acohol.
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Not Answered
Updated 4 days ago|1/9/2025 5:07:21 AM
1 Answer/Comment
In The Yellow Wallpaper, John takes his wife to the country to help her recover from a nervous condition.

Added 4 days ago|1/9/2025 4:58:03 AM
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Flagged by Cliff: [1/9/2025 5:07:19 AM], Unflagged by Cliff: [1/9/2025 5:07:19 AM], Confirmed by Cliff: [1/9/2025 5:07:20 AM]
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