Question and answer
Parking is not allowed
Asked 6/6/2022 2:31:07 PM
Updated 6/6/2022 3:03:57 PM
1 Answer/Comment
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User: Parking is not allowed

Weegy: Parking is not allowed: on any bridge or overpass or in a tunnel.
Score 1

User: Parking is not allowed within how many feet of a fire hydrant

Weegy: You are not allowed to park within 15 feet of an fire hydrant.
Score 1

User: Most injury crashes in Florida happen in blank condition

Weegy: Most injury crashes in Florida happen in clear weather conditions.
Score .8013

User: Most injury crashes in Florida happen in

Weegy: Most injury crashes in Florida happen in clear weather conditions.
Score .9357

User: Most crashes in Florida happen in daylight condition

Weegy: Most injury crashes in Florida happen in clear weather conditions.
Score .7639

User: Alcohol is a drug

Weegy: Alcohol is a DEPRESSANT drug.
Score .8052

User: Vehicles are designed with both plastic and elastic values to absorb energy forces in a matter that will reduce the direct Forces that reach the vehicle

Weegy: Vehicles are designed with both plastic and elastic values to absorb energy forces in a manner that will reduce the direct forces that reach the vehicle occupant(s). TRUE.
Score .8489

User: Your car must have two red stop lights scene from how many feet in the daytime that must come to win the footbrake is pressed

Asked 6/6/2022 2:31:07 PM
Updated 6/6/2022 3:03:57 PM
1 Answer/Comment
New answers
Your car must have two red stoplights scene from 300 feet in the daytime that must come on when the foot break is pressed.
Added 6/6/2022 3:03:57 PM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

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Questions asked by the same visitor
The position for a seat has nothing to do with the effectiveness of the
Weegy: The position of your seat has nothing to do with the effectiveness of the headrest. (More)
Expert Answered
Asked 6/6/2022 2:23:20 PM
0 Answers/Comments
How many feet in daytime must you see the to stop lights on your vehicle
Not Answered
Updated 7/29/2022 4:19:22 PM
1 Answer/Comment
All vehicles must have two red stoplights. They must be seen from 300 feet in the daytime, and must come on when the foot brake is pressed.
Added 7/29/2022 4:19:22 PM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Your car must have two red stoplights seen from 200 feet in the daytime that must come on when the foot brake is pressed
Weegy: All vehicles must have two red stoplights. They must be seen from 300 feet in the daytime, and must come on when the foot brake is pressed. User: Peripheral vision is side to side vision Weegy: Peripheral vision is typically defined as everything you see off to the side of your central focus while you are looking straight ahead. User: Dawn and dusk are examples of environmental hazards turn your low beam highlights not only so you can see better but so others can see you better (More)
Not Answered
Updated 6/6/2022 3:13:29 PM
1 Answer/Comment
Dawn and dusk are examples of environmental hazards; turn on your low beam headlights, not only so you can see better, but so others can see you better. TRUE.
Added 6/6/2022 3:13:29 PM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Energy absorption in a crash is directly dependent on
Weegy: Energy absorption in a crash is directly dependent on: vehicle speed, angles of collision and areas of vehicle contacts. User: Florida’s move over law requires drivers to move over slow down not only police and fire vehicles but also what other working on the roadside (More)
Not Answered
Updated 6/6/2022 3:20:18 PM
1 Answer/Comment
Florida's "Move Over" law requires drivers to move over or slow down not only police and fire vehicles but also tow trucks and a recently passed amendment to the law will include sanitation vehicles and utility service vehicles that are working by the side of the roadway.
Added 6/6/2022 3:20:18 PM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
There is nothing a person can do better after having a drink then she or he could do before having a drink
Not Answered
Updated 6/6/2022 3:19:26 PM
1 Answer/Comment
There is nothing a person can do better after having a drink than she or he could do before having the drink. TRUE.
Added 6/6/2022 3:19:26 PM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
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