Weegy: They threatened the Dutch governor, who had to surrender -is how the English came in possession of New York.
7. What could be used as evidence in proving someone was a witch?
A. Moles or marks on the body
B. Testimony from slaves or indentured servants
C. Being related to someone who was a witch
D. Correctly reciting the Lord's Prayer
Weegy: Moles or marks on the body could be used as evidence in proving someone was a witch.
8. Where did slaves have harder lives?
A. Urban areas
B. Rural farms
C. Shops and merchant businesses
D. Large plantations
Weegy: Slaves had harder lives in: Large plantations.
9. What happened to indentured servants after they were freed?
A. They were given their own small plot of land to farm.
B. They fled to other colonies to make their wealth.
C. They returned to the country from which they came.
D. They were given servants of their own to farm land.
Weegy: After they were freed, indentured servants were given their own small plot of land to farm.
10. What's a kiva?
A. A deep pit used for religious purposes
B. A way to fish and gather food
C. A language spoken by many tribes
D. A place to live protected from the elements
Weegy: A kiva is a room used by Puebloans for religious rituals and political meetings, many of them associated with the kachina belief system.
11. Georgia was intended to be a second chance for what group of people?
A. Religious dissenters
B. Debtors to the English government
C. Former slaves
D. Debtors to the Virginian government
Weegy: Georgia was intended to be a second chance for debtors to the English government.
12. Why did William Penn accept land in the New World?
A. He wanted to search for gold in a new place.
B. He wanted to create a place where he could practice his religion freely.
C. He needed a place to farm and make money.
D. He wanted to ...