Weegy: Social media can be updated quickly, can incorporate varied media (e.g., print, photos, graphics, audio, video, live streaming).
User: How do Emergency communications differ from routine communications?
Weegy: Emergency communications differ from routine communications as They may have barriers to communication and require timeliness.
User: In what way can interactive presentations, such as media interviews and news conferences, be a positive method?
Weegy: In the following way can interactive presentations, such as media interviews and news conferences, be a positive method: Connecting better with the audience.
User: To communicate more effectively with your community you should:
Weegy: To communicate more effectively with your community you should: Learn about the languages and communication traditions in the community.
User: Inclusive language:
A. Places emphasis on the person instead of the disability.
B. Equates the person with the disability (e.g." she’s a cripple").
C. Focuses on disabilities and special needs.
D. Is based on assumptions about a person’s level of functioning.
Weegy: Inclusive language places emphasis on the person instead of the disability.
User: Which of the following methods of communication is LEAST useful to inform the public of a collapsed bridge?
A. Magazine feature story
B. Automated messaging
C. AM radio traffic update
D. Television
Weegy: Magazine feature story is LEAST useful to inform the public of a collapsed bridge.
User: When delivering an oral presentation you should:
Weegy: When delivering an oral presentation, you should be entertaining, but do not overdo it and do know your limits.
User: When delivering an oral presentation you should:
A. Select one person in the room to maintain eye contact with.
B. Use your prepared remarks as a script. This means that you will need to memorize the content.
C. Try to come out from behind the podium; minimizing barriers between you and the ...