Weegy: The Senate power of advice and consent does not apply to executive orders.
User: The system of checks and balances failed under Andrew Jackson when he
Weegy: The system of checks and balances failed under Andrew Jackson when he acted against a ruling of the Supreme Court.
User: The house of representatives has the special power to
Weegy: The House of Representatives has the special power to vote to impeach a government official.
User: The in the house can limit the amount of time to debate a bill
Weegy: The rules committee in the House can limit the amount of time to debate a bill.
User: When US census is complete each state is notified how it's population affects it's number of Congressional district this is called
Weegy: When the US census is completed, each state is notified how its population affects its number of congressional district. This process is called apportionment.
User: In the house the assigns a bill to a committee
Weegy: In the House, the Speaker assigns a bill to a committee.
User: One main difference between the united state constitution and state constitution s is that state constitutions