Weegy: An integrated delivery system (IDS) is a network of health care organizations under a parent holding company. Some IDS have an HMO component, while others are a network of physicians only, or of physicians and hospitals. [ [ Thus, the term is used broadly to define an organization that provides a continuum of health care services. ]
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Integrate -to bring together or incorporate (parts) into a whole. See more.
Added 5/8/2023 10:15:34 AM
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@gary V [5/8/2023 10:15:56 AM], Unflagged by
@gary V [12/7/2023 11:45:11 PM]
Integrate -to bring together or incorporate (parts) into a whole.
Added 5/8/2023 10:15:52 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.