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Homophone are words that _________.
Homophone are words that sound alike but have different meanings or spellings.
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Asked 5/17/2022 1:25:57 AM
Updated 332 days ago|3/21/2024 10:32:20 AM
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Edited by SecretAgent [3/21/2024 10:30:43 AM], Edited by SecretAgent [3/21/2024 10:31:24 AM], Edited by SecretAgent [3/21/2024 10:31:40 AM], Edited by SecretAgent [3/21/2024 10:32:20 AM]
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Which one of the following fragments is a prepositional phrase
Weegy: The fragment "During the darkest night" is a prepositional phrase. User: Which of the following pairs of words are homophones Weegy: Brake and break are homophones. User: Which one of the following words illustrates the addition of a vowel suffix? Weegy: Cropped illustrates the addition of a vowel suffix. User: What type of sentence tends to express a strong emotion? Weegy: Exclamatory type of sentence tends to express a strong emotion. (More)
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What type of sentence is used give a command
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Updated 5/17/2022 2:12:00 AM
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The type of sentence used to give a command is: Imperative.
Added 5/17/2022 2:11:46 AM
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Imperative sentence is used to give a command.
Added 5/17/2022 2:12:00 AM
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Which one of the following is a run-on sentence
Weegy: "The game will be called if the storm continues, the weather is dangerous." -is an example of a run-on sentence. User: Are. Words that are spelled alike, but have different meanings. Weegy: Homonyms are words that are spelled alike, but have different meanings. User: Which of the following is a complete sentence Weegy: 'The coffee shop was usually full, but today there were many open tables' is a compound sentence. (More)
Updated 5/22/2023 12:21:57 AM
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The following is a complete sentence: Since she was hungry, she had a snack.
Added 5/22/2023 12:21:05 AM
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I think Frank might be too busy he likes to make people think he's smart. -is a run-on sentence.
Added 5/22/2023 12:21:57 AM
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Which one of the following is a run-on sentence
Weegy: "The game will be called if the storm continues, the weather is dangerous." -is an example of a run-on sentence. User: In which one of the following sentences is a word misspelled Weegy: The sentence with a word misspelled is: Niether Mike nor Marvin believed in Superman. User: Which of the following statements about dictionaries is not true Weegy: Each word is first shown as it is commonly misspelled. -is not true about dictionaries. (More)
Updated 52 days ago|12/26/2024 11:08:31 AM
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Which of the following is an example of an imperative sentence? A. Please remember to get the dry cleaning. B. Shannon has finished all of her homework. C. What time will Stephanie want to leave? D. That is absolutely ridiculous!
Weegy: An imperative sentence is a type of sentence that gives instructions or advice, and expresses a command, an order, a direction, or a request. User: Which one of these are run-on sentences? The game will be called if the storm continues, the weather is dangerous. The players continue to work on both hitting and Fielding, allowing them to improve both skill sets. The game was tied at halftime; each coach gave his team a pep talk. Why the rain was drenching at times, the fans were dedicated and refused to leave. Weegy: The following sentence is a run-on: The game will be called if the storm continues, [ the weather is dangerous. ] (More)
Updated 143 days ago|9/25/2024 11:18:09 PM
1 Answer/Comment

Please remember to get the dry cleaning. -is an example of an imperative sentence.

Added 143 days ago|9/25/2024 11:18:09 PM
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