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The role of rRNA in gene expression is to
Asked 1/30/2022 7:09:16 AM
Updated 1/30/2022 2:04:40 PM
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User: The role of rRNA in gene expression is to

Weegy: The role of rRNA in gene expression is to form part of the ribosome.
Score 1

User: Two pea plants with yellow peas are crossed. Most of their offspring have yellow peas, but about 25 percent of the offspring have green peas. For pea color, yellow is the dominant trait and green is the recessive trait. What does this tell you about the two parent plants?

Weegy: Two pea plants with yellow peas are crossed. Most of their offspring has yellow peas, but about 25 percent of the offspring have green peas. For pea color, yellow is the dominant trait and green is the recessive trait. [ This tell you that: The parent plants are heterozygous for pea color. ]
Score 1

User: physically links the amino acid with the transcribed mRNA.

Weegy: Transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNA) physically links the amino acid with the transcribed mRNA.
Score .9469

User: Why is genetic recombination important for species?

Weegy: Genetic recombination is important for species because: Genetic recombination allows the best genes to be selected, ensuring that mutated genes aren't passed on to offspring.
Score 1

User: What is the role of the enzyme primase in DNA replication?

Weegy: Primase initializes replication by building short RNA primers complementary to the template. -is the role of the enzyme primase in DNA replication.
Score 1

User: What is the role of the enzyme primase in DNA replication?

Weegy: Primase initializes replication by building short RNA primers complementary to the template. -is the role of the enzyme primase in DNA replication.
Score 1

User: Why are well-defined reading frames critical in protein synthesis?

Weegy: Well-defined reading frames are critical in protein synthesis because without a well-defined reading frame, the peptide made from a given sequence could be completely different.
Score 1

User: An organism is heterozygous for a gene that follows Mendel' law of dominance. Which allele will be expressed as its phenotype?

Asked 1/30/2022 7:09:16 AM
Updated 1/30/2022 2:04:40 PM
1 Answer/Comment
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An organism is heterozygous for a gene that follows Mendel' law of dominance. DOMINANT ALLELE will be expressed as its phenotype.

Added 1/30/2022 2:04:40 PM
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Questions asked by the same visitor
A cell is 20 micrometers across. What type of cell is this?
Weegy: A cell is 20 micrometers across. This is a Eukaryotic cell. User: This is an image of the phospholipid bilayer. Based on what you know about the structure of the phospholipid bilayer, what is the name of the structure labeled 2? Weegy: This is an image of the phospholipid bilayer. Based on what you know about the structure of the phospholipid bilayer, The side labeled 2 in the image of the phospholipid bilayer is the "hydrophobic side". [ The phospholipid "tails" are hydrophobic. ] User: A runner is running the 60-meter dash, which is an oxygen-deficient race. What type of energy is the runner's body using to power through the race? Weegy: A runner is running the 60-meter dash, which is an oxygen-deficient race. [ Anaerobic energy is the runner's body using to power through the race. ] User: What part of the cell does 1 represent? (More)
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Updated 1/29/2022 1:26:58 PM
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Cell 1 represent Golgi apparatus.

Added 1/29/2022 1:26:58 PM
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All cells have some universal features. Which of these is a universal feature found in every single cell on earth?
Weegy: All cells have some universal features. Ribosome is a universal feature found in every single cell on earth. User: A fish is in an environment where sexual reproduction would be stressful. What type of asexual reproduction could fish use to reproduce? Weegy: A fish is in an environment where sexual reproduction would be stressful. Fish could use Parthenogenesis to reproduce. User: Why is active transport necessary for the sodium-potassium pump to work? Weegy: Active transport necessary for the sodium-potassium pump to work because it allows sodium and potassium to move against their concentration gradient. User: When does the cell pinch off and divide into two daughter cells in mitosis? Weegy: In telophase stage of mitosis, the cell pinches off and divides into two daughter cells. User: A prokaryotic cell is being looked at under the microscope and a scientist is watching molecules such as sodium enter and exit the cell. What part of the prokaryotic cell is being looked at under the microscope? Weegy: A prokaryotic cell is being looked at under the microscope and a scientist is watching molecules such as sodium enter and exit the cell. Plasma membrane is being looked at under the microscope. User: What part of the cell does 4 represent? (More)
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Updated 1/29/2022 1:28:18 PM
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The part of the cell 4 represents Mitochondrion.

Added 1/29/2022 1:28:18 PM
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Index fossils are
Weegy: Index fossils are: a widely distributed fossil, of narrow range in time, regarded as characteristic of a given geological formation, used especially in determining the age of related formations. User: Uniformitarianism posits that geological changes are consistent over time. How did Darwin incorporate these ideas into his own? Weegy: Uniformitarianism posits that geological changes are consistent over time. [ Darwin applied uniformitarianism to biology, reasoning that changes in species should also be gradual and continuous over time. ] User: Scientists are constantly learning more and more about fossils because Weegy: Scientists are constantly learning more and more about fossils because new fossils are continually being discovered. User: How can DNA be useful in phylogeny? Weegy: DNA can be useful to phylogeny by: DNA sequences from different species can be compared, [ giving us more information about their evolutionary relationships. ] User: We live in the Cenozoic era, and scientists know more about this era and the epochs it's divided into than any other time period. Why is this? Weegy: We live in the Cenozoic era, and scientists know more about this era and the epochs it's divided into than any other time period. [ This is Because it is the most recent life era, the rock layers are better preserved, and in much lesser degree destroyed when compared to the previous eras. ] User: A squirrel population lives in an area. Over many years, a river in that area grows wider and stronger, eventually forming a canyon. The squirrel populations on the two sides of the canyon can no longer mate with each other and ultimately form distinct species. This is an example of (More)
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Updated 1/30/2022 1:37:30 PM
1 Answer/Comment
This is an example of: allopatric speciation. A squirrel population lives in an area. Over many years, a river in that area grows wider and stronger, eventually forming a canyon. The squirrel populations on the two sides of the canyon can no longer mate with each other and ultimately form distinct species.

Added 1/30/2022 1:37:30 PM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Mammary glands are a shared characteristic among mammals and the oldest common ancestor of mammals. This is an example of a
Weegy: Mammary glands are shared characteristics among mammals and the oldest common ancestor of mammals. This is an example of a CLADOGRAM. User: An amoeba moves by pushing out small projections called Weegy: An amoeba moves by pushing out small projections called pseudopodia and then pulling the rest of the organism along. User: An overaccumulation of dinoflagellates causes a Weegy: An overaccumulation of dinoflagellates causes a red tide, which can contaminate shellfish and make them unfit for human consumption. User: A dense group of bacteria that are difficult to treat with antibiotics is called Weegy: A dense group of bacteria that are difficult to treat with antibiotics is called biofilm. User: Cacti with very few spines tend to be eaten by animals, and cacti with many spines tend to be preferred by parasitic insects. This causes cacti with an average number of spines to be preferred. How would you explain this? Weegy: This is an example of a stabilizing selection in which the intermediate form of a trait is advantageous compared to the extreme forms of the trait . -is how to explain that cacti with an average number of spines are preferred. [ ] User: Prokaryotes can take up genetic material from each other without reproducing or even being closely related in a phenomenon called Weegy: Prokaryotes can take up genetic material from each other without reproducing or even being closely related in a phenomenon called horizontal gene transfer. User: Genetic drift, where allele frequencies randomly change over time, is strongest in _______ populations. A) small B) predatory C) migratory D) large Weegy: Genetic drift, where allele frequencies randomly change over time, is strongest in small populations. User: _______ cycle, a virus integrates its DNA into the host's DNA, and its DNA is replicated when the host DNA is replicated. Weegy: In the lysogenic cycle, a virus integrates its DNA ... (More)
Updated 87 days ago|11/20/2024 11:18:22 PM
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