Weegy: Mammary glands are shared characteristics among mammals and the oldest common ancestor of mammals. This is an example of a CLADOGRAM.
User: An amoeba moves by pushing out small projections called
Weegy: An amoeba moves by pushing out small projections called pseudopodia and then pulling the rest of the organism along.
User: An overaccumulation of dinoflagellates causes a
Weegy: An overaccumulation of dinoflagellates causes a red tide, which can contaminate shellfish and make them unfit for human consumption.
User: A dense group of bacteria that are difficult to treat with antibiotics is called
Weegy: A dense group of bacteria that are difficult to treat with antibiotics is called biofilm.
User: Cacti with very few spines tend to be eaten by animals, and cacti with many spines tend to be preferred by parasitic insects. This causes cacti with an average number of spines
to be preferred. How would you explain this?
Weegy: This is an example of a stabilizing selection in which the intermediate form of a trait is advantageous
compared to the extreme forms of the trait . -is how to explain that cacti with an average number of spines are preferred. [
User: Prokaryotes can take up genetic material from each other without reproducing or even being closely related in a phenomenon called
Weegy: Prokaryotes can take up genetic material from each other without reproducing or even being closely related in a phenomenon called horizontal gene transfer.
User: Genetic drift, where allele frequencies randomly change over time, is strongest in _______ populations.
Weegy: Genetic drift, where allele frequencies randomly change over time, is strongest in small populations.
User: _______ cycle, a virus integrates its DNA into the host's DNA, and its DNA is replicated when the host DNA is replicated.
Weegy: In the lysogenic cycle, a virus integrates its DNA ...