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true statements about the Puritans of Massachusetts
All of the following are true statements about the Puritans of Massachusetts Bay EXCEPT their mission was to convert all those that lived in the colonies.
Asked 6/7/2016 8:58:24 AM
Updated 3/9/2022 3:12:24 PM
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All of the following are true statements about the Puritans of Massachusetts Bay EXCEPT their mission was to convert all those that lived in the colonies.
Added 3/9/2022 3:12:24 PM
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Questions asked by the same visitor
rue statements about the Puritans of Massachusetts
Updated 9/5/2020 6:34:25 AM
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They did not embrace individualism, their punishment was swift and harsh, they were all held to the same strict moral code are true statements about the Puritans of Massachusetts.

Added 9/5/2020 6:34:25 AM
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what event led to a large number of Barbadians moving to Carolina
Weegy: In contrast to northern Carolina, first called the Albemarle region in 1663, the lifestyle, the Bermudians quickly caught on and followed the lead of the Barbadians, as well, [ thanks to the many warring tribes within the southern part of Carolina. source: ] User: Fill in the blank The economies of the New England and Mid-Atlantic colonies were more _________________ than the Southern colonies. A. unified B. purified C. stratified D. diversified Weegy: The economies of the New England and Mid-Atlantic colonies were more : A. unified. User: Why did the colony of Roanoke fail? A. None of the settlers wanted to learn to farm. B. All of the setters were killed by a flu epidemic. C. All of the settlers were killed by a neighboring Native American tribe. D. The settlers of Roanoke just disappeared and it's still a mystery as to why. Weegy: The most appropriate answer is, The settlers of Roanoke just disappeared and it's still a mystery as to why. User: How did the Barbadians affect South Carolina? A. Their commitment to the plantation system made South Carolina one of the wealthiest colonies. B. Their attachment to European ways made South Carolina one of the most cosmopolitan colonies. C. Their beliefs regarding racial equality and unity made South Carolina one of the most diverse colonies. D. Their ideas regarding self-government and self-determination made South Carolina one of the most democratic colonies. (More)
Not Answered
Updated 8/25/2020 12:32:48 PM
1 Answer/Comment
The Barbadians affect South Carolina by: their commitment to the plantation system made South Carolina one of the wealthiest colonies.
Added 8/25/2020 12:32:48 PM
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What happened after the first publication of Benjamin Harris’s newspaper Public Occurrences? A. It was shut down. B. It became a sensation. C. It inspired the creation of ten other newspapers. D. It started to be printed in the twelve other colonies.
Weegy: It was shut down. This happened after the first publication of Benjamin Harris’s newspaper Public Occurrences. (More)
Expert Answered
Updated 6/15/2016 9:39:50 AM
0 Answers/Comments
Which of the following is an example of the influence of the English Bill of Rights and the Magna Carta on the political foundation of the United States? A. the right to trial by jury B. the divine right to rule C. taxation without representation D. separation of powers
Weegy: Magna Carta (Latin for Great Charter, literally "Great Paper"), also called Magna Carta Libertatum (Great Charter of Freedoms), is an English legal charter, originally issued in the year 1215. [ It was written in Latin. Magna Carta required King John of England to proclaim certain rights (pertaining to nobles and barons), respect certain legal procedures, and accept that his will could be bound by the law. It explicitly protected certain rights of the King's subjects, whether free or fettered most notably the writ of habeas corpus, allowing appeal against unlawful imprisonment. Magna Carta was arguably the most significant early influence on the extensive historical process that led to the rule of constitutional law today in the English speaking world. Magna Carta influenced the development of the common law and many constitutional documents, including the United States Constitution. [1] Many clauses were renewed throughout the Middle Ages, and continued to be renewed as late as the 18th century. By the second half of the 19th century, however, most clauses in their original form had been repealed from English law. Magna Carta was the first document forced onto an English King by a group of his subjects (the barons) in an attempt to limit his powers by law and protect their privileges. It was preceded by the 1100 Charter of Liberties in which King Henry I voluntarily stated what his own powers were under the law. In practice, Magna Carta in the Medieval period mostly did not limit the power of Kings; but by the time of the English Civil War it had become an important symbol for those who wished to show that the King was bound by the law. Magna Carta is normally understood to refer to a single document, that of 1215. Various amended versions of Magna Carta appeared in subsequent years however, and it is the 1297 version which remains on the statute books of England and Wales. ] User: Which of the following is an example of the influence of the ... (More)
Not Answered
Updated 6/8/2016 12:15:09 PM
2 Answers/Comments
The English Bill of Rights and the Magna Carta influence on the political system on the U.S. is the right to trial by jury.
Added 6/8/2016 12:13:58 PM
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Confirmed by jeifunk [6/8/2016 12:26:00 PM]
A tariff is a tax on imported goods.
Added 6/8/2016 12:15:09 PM
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Confirmed by jeifunk [6/8/2016 12:26:09 PM]
The Stamp Act was a tax on all of the following EXCEPT A. postage stamps. B. playing cards. C. newspapers. D. pamphlets.
Weegy: The Stamp Act was a tax on all of the following EXCEPT pamphlets. (More)
Expert Answered
Updated 6/15/2016 9:43:16 AM
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The Stamp Act was a tax on all of the following EXCEPT postage stamps.
Added 6/15/2016 9:43:16 AM
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