What inference can we make from Oedipus’s following line: “This polluting stain I will remove, not for some distant friend, but for myself.”
Oedipus’s motivation for finding Lauis’s murderer comes from a desire to fulfill Apollo’s prophecy.
Oedipus’s motivation for finding Lauis’s murderer is self-serving.
Oedipus wants to remove a stain from his shirt.
Oedipus makes decisions based on the will of the gods.
Oedipus's motivation for finding Lauis's murderer is self-serving: inference can we make from Oedipus s following line: This polluting stain I will remove, not for some distant friend, but for myself.
Asked 12/13/2016 8:12:00 AM
Updated 11/9/2022 1:15:15 PM
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