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If you skip the cool-down portion of exercise, A. blood can pool in the exercised parts of the body and diminish the return of blood to the heart. B. you run the risk of gaining weight. C. you can work out in less time. D. you won't be able to work out the next day.
If you skip the cool-down portion of exercise, blood can pool in the exercised parts of the body and diminish the return of blood to the heart.
Asked 1/29/2018 8:40:08 AM
Updated 4/25/2021 12:56:59 AM
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If you skip the cool-down portion of exercise, blood can pool in the exercised parts of the body and diminish the return of blood to the heart.
Added 4/25/2021 12:56:59 AM
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A well-stocked first-aid kit should include what type of product for cleaning wounds? A. Aloe vera B. Antibiotic ointment C. Benzoin D. Witch hazel
Weegy: A well-stocked first-aid kit should include ANTIBIOTIC OINTMENT for cleaning wounds. User: Hypothermia occurs when A. a person's fat stores become depleted. B. there's a dangerously low level of vitamin B in the body. C. a person exercises outdoors in extreme heat. D. a low internal body temperature interferes with the body's ability to regulate vital processes. Weegy: Hypothermia occurs when a low internal body temperature interferes with the body's ability to regulate vital processes. (More)
Asked 1/29/2018 8:11:05 AM
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A well-stocked first-aid kit should include what type of product for cleaning wounds? A. Aloe vera B. Antibiotic ointment C. Benzoin D. Witch hazel
Weegy: A well-stocked first-aid kit should include ANTIBIOTIC OINTMENT for cleaning wounds. User: A strain is A. more severe than a sprain. B. a twist, pull, and/or tear of a muscle and/or tendon. C. an injury that can never be healed. D. always the result of improper conditioning. Weegy: A strain is a twist, pull, and/or tear of a muscle and/or tendon. User: Swimming alone A. is OK as long as you've been swimming for at least five years. B. is never safe, regardless of ability. C. is acceptable in a pool but never in a lake or an ocean. D. increases the benefits of swimming for cardiorespiratory endurance Weegy: Swimming alone is never safe, regardless of ability. (More)
Not Answered
Updated 3/22/2022 2:59:56 AM
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Expert Answered
Updated 1/8/2023 5:27:43 AM
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Which of the following signs may indicate heat exhaustion? A. Overexcitability, inability to sleep B. Lethargy, thirst, nausea, dry skin C. Hunger, fatigue, and back pain D. Muscle cramps, fatigue, and lightheadedness
Weegy: Muscle cramps, fatigue, and lightheadedness are the following signs that may indicate heat exhaustion. User: . One of the best ways to avoid injury while biking is to A. make sure that the positions of the bike seat and handles are appropriate for your height. B. pedal as quickly as possible when attempting to go uphill. C. bike only during the morning hours. D. continuously switch gears so that you don't add stress to your muscles. Weegy: One of the best ways to avoid injury while biking is to: make sure that the positions of the bike seat and handles are appropriate for your height. User: Alternating between running and walking A. will guarantee that you don't suffer an injury during exercise. B. can help lessen the damaging effects that running has on the body. C. will slow down the chances of a person's getting into shape. D. is the quickest way to lose 10 pounds. Weegy: Alternating between running and walking can help lessen the damaging effects that running has on the body. (More)
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A well-stocked first-aid kit should include what type of product for cleaning wounds? A. Aloe vera B. Antibiotic ointment C. Benzoin D. Witch hazel
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