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Establishment of the ICS modular organization is the responsibility of the:
Asked 4/13/2022 5:56:40 PM
Updated 174 days ago|8/26/2024 10:24:28 AM
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User: Establishment of the ICS modular organization is the responsibility of the:

Weegy: Establishment of the ICS modular organization is the responsibility of the: Incident Commander.
Score 1

User: Who has overall responsibility for managing the on-scene incident?

Weegy: Who The Incident Commander has overall responsibility for managing the incident.
Score 1

User: Acquiring, Storing, and Inventorying Resources are part of which NIMS Management Characteristic?

Weegy: Acquiring, Storing, and Inventorying Resources are part of: Comprehensive Resource Management.
Score 1

User: The Liaison Officer

Weegy: The Liaison Officer is the point of contact for other response organizations participating in the operation.
Score 1

Asked 4/13/2022 5:56:40 PM
Updated 174 days ago|8/26/2024 10:24:28 AM
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The Liaison Office: is the point of contact for other response organizations.

Added 174 days ago|8/26/2024 10:24:28 AM
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Questions asked by the same visitor
One of the benefits of ICS is that it provides an orderly, systematic ___________ process
Weegy: One of the benefits of ICS that it provides and orderly, systematic Planning process. User: Which ICS functional area arranges for resources and needed services to support achievement of the incident objectives Weegy: Logistics arranges for resources and needed services to support achievement of the incident objectives. User: The Incident Commander or Unified Command establishes incident objectives that include Weegy: The Incident Commander or Unified Command establishes incident objectives that include: Identifying strategies, tactics, tasks, and activities to achieve the objectives. (More)
Expert Answered
Updated 304 days ago|4/18/2024 3:33:09 AM
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Which ICS functional area establishes tactics and directs all operational resources to achieve the incident objectives?
Weegy: Operations: Establishes tactics and directs all operational resources to achieve the incident objectives. User: Selection of Incident Commanders is done by the Weegy: Selection of Incident Commanders is done by the jurisdiction or organization with primary responsibility for the incident. User: At the incident scene, who handles media inquiries? Weegy: At the incident scene public information officer handles media inquiries. (More)
Updated 8/30/2023 1:17:08 AM
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The Incident Command System (ICS) is
Weegy: The Incident Command System (ICS) is a standardized approach to the command, control, and coordination of emergency response providing a common hierarchy within which responders from multiple agencies can be effective. User: Expansion of the ICS modular organization is the responsibility of the: Weegy: Expansion of the ICS modular organization is the responsibility of the Incident Commander. User: The number of subordinates that one supervisor can manage effectively during an incident is referred to as: (More)
Not Answered
Updated 174 days ago|8/26/2024 10:23:21 AM
2 Answers/Comments
The number of subordinates that one supervisor can manage effectively during an incident is referred to as Span of Control.

Added 4/13/2022 5:37:50 PM
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The Incident Command System (ICS) is: A standardized approach to incident management that is applicable for use in all hazards.

Added 174 days ago|8/26/2024 10:23:21 AM
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Which item is included in the NIMS Management Characteristic of Accountability
Weegy: Check-In/Check-Out of incident personnel is included in the NIMS Management Characteristic of Accountability. User: If the Incident Commander designates personnel to provide public information, safety, and liaison services, the personnel are collectively referred to as the Weegy: If the Incident Commander designates personnel to provide public information, safety, and liaison services, the personnel are collectively referred to as the: Command Staff. User: Incident objectives that drive incident operations are established by the: Weegy: Incident Objective describes the basic incident strategy, incident objectives, command emphasis/priorities, and safety considerations for use during the next operational period. (More)
Updated 174 days ago|8/26/2024 10:15:10 AM
1 Answer/Comment
Incident objectives that drive incident operations are established by the: Incident Commander or Unified Command.

Added 174 days ago|8/26/2024 10:15:10 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
One of the benefits of ICS is that it provides an orderly, systematic ___________ process.
Weegy: One of the benefits of ICS is that it provide is orderly, systematic planning process. User: Qualification, Certification, and Credentialing Personnel are part of which NIMS Management Characteristic? Weegy: Qualification, Certification, and Credentialing Personnel are part of: Comprehensive Resource Management. User: Expansion of the ICS modular organization is the responsibility of the: Weegy: Expansion of the ICS modular organization is the responsibility of the Incident Commander. (More)
Updated 4/13/2022 6:47:58 PM
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