Weegy: Under the Constitution of the United States, you may not be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.
User: Based on the data presented in your lesson which of the following individuals would most likely to vote
Weegy: A 50-year-old corporate executive who holds a master's degree in business. -would be most likely to vote.
User: I want to learn about your Congress person voting record where would you find information on how they voted
Weegy: You want to learn about your congressperson's voting record. You would find you congress person's record in the Congressional Records.
User: Which of the following political interest groups falls into an organize labor category
Weegy: The National Education Association falls into the organized labor category.
User: Why do you say citizens have to register to vote
Weegy: Citizens have to register to vote ,To make sure people vote only once.
User: You are a member of the Republican Party. You go to vote for the party nominee for the president on your ballet Arkansas for both Democrat and Republican nomination you most likely vote voting in what kind of