Weegy: Giraffes with short necks tend to be unable to access enough food, while giraffes with long necks can reach more food at the tops of trees. This causes an advantage for giraffes with long necks. [ This is an example of DIRECTIONAL selection in which one end of the bell curve is better adapted to its environment than the other end.
User: The fossil record shows that an organism is relatively unchanged for a long period of time, followed by several changes over a short period of time, followed by another long period of stability. This provides evidence for which view of evolution?
Weegy: The fossil record shows that an organism is relatively unchanged for a long period of time, followed by several changes over a short period of time, followed by another long period of stability. [ This provides evidence for Punctuated equilibrium view of evolution.
User: Hey squirrel population lives in an area. Over many years, a river in that area girls wider and stronger, eventually forming a canyon. The squirrel populations on the two sides of the canyon can no longer mates with each other and ultimately form distinct species. this is an example of