Question and answer
Which NIMS component includes the Incident Command System (ICS)?
Asked 4/16/2022 2:10:57 PM
Updated 4/16/2022 4:58:16 PM
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User: Which NIMS component includes the Incident Command System (ICS)?

Weegy: Command and Coordination includes the Incident Command System.

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User: The number of subordinates that one supervisor can manage effectively during an incident is referred to as:

Asked 4/16/2022 2:10:57 PM
Updated 4/16/2022 4:58:16 PM
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The number of subordinates that one supervisor can manage effectively during an incident is referred to as: Span of control.
Added 4/16/2022 3:56:16 PM
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Questions asked by the same visitor
The NIMS Management Characteristic of Chain of Command and Unity of Command means that each person:
Weegy: The NIMS Management Characteristic of Chain of Command and Unity of Command means that each person: reports to only one ICS supervisor. User: Which General Staff member directs all responses and tactical actions to achieve the incident objectives? (More)
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Updated 4/16/2022 4:01:14 PM
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The Operations Section Chief directs all responses and tactical actions to achieve the incident objectives.
Added 4/16/2022 4:01:14 PM
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Selection of Incident Commanders is done by the:
Weegy: Selection of Incident Commanders is done by the jurisdiction or organization with primary responsibility for the incident. User: Which ICS functional area sets the incident objectives, strategies, and priorities, and has overall responsibility for the incident? Weegy: Incident Command sets the incident objectives, strategies, and priorities, and has overall responsibility for the incident. User: Which ICS function is responsible for documentation of mutual aid agreements? Weegy: The ICS function which is responsible for documentation of mutual aid agreements is: Planning. User: Which General Staff member directs all responses and tactical actions to achieve the incident objectives? (More)
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Updated 4/16/2022 4:00:48 PM
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The Operations Section Chief directs all responses and tactical actions to achieve the incident objectives.
Added 4/16/2022 4:00:48 PM
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Which item is included in the NIMS Management Characteristic of Accountability?
Weegy: Check-In/Check-Out of incident personnel is included in the NIMS Management Characteristic of Accountability. User: Which General Staff member is responsible for ensuring that assigned incident personnel are fed and have communications, medical support, and transportation as needed to meet the operational objective? (More)
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Updated 4/16/2022 3:59:34 PM
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Logistics Section Chief is responsible for ensuring that assigned incident personnel are fed and have communications, medical support, and transportation as needed to meet the operational objectives.
Added 4/16/2022 3:59:34 PM
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At the incident scene, who handles media inquiries?
Weegy: At the incident scene public information officer handles media inquiries. User: Which ICS functional area arranges for resources and needed services to support achievement of the incident objectives? Weegy: Logistics arranges for resources and needed services to support achievement of the incident objectives. User: Qualification, Certification, and Credentialing Personnel are part of which NIMS Management Characteristic? Weegy: Qualification, Certification, and Credentialing Personnel are part of Comprehensive Resource Management. User: Which General Staff member negotiates and monitors contracts, maintains documentation for reimbursement, and oversees timekeeping for incident personnel? Weegy: The Finance/Administration Section is the General Staff member that negotiates and monitors contracts, maintains documentation for reimbursement, and oversees timekeeping for incident personnel. User: Acquiring, Storing, and Inventorying Resources are part of which NIMS Management Characteristic? Weegy: Acquiring, Storing, and Inventorying Resources are part of: Comprehensive Resource Management. User: Which NIMS Management Characteristic is necessary for achieving situational awareness and facilitating information sharing? Weegy: The NIMS management characteristic necessary for achieving situational awareness and facilitating information sharing is: Integrated Communications. User: Expansion of the ICS modular organization is the responsibility of the: Weegy: Expansion of the ICS modular organization is the responsibility of the: Incident Commander. User: In a Unified Command, members representing multiple jurisdictions and agencies work together to establish: (More)
Not Answered
Updated 4/16/2022 3:53:43 PM
1 Answer/Comment
In a Unified Command, members representing multiple jurisdictions and agencies work together to establish the incident objectives.

Added 4/16/2022 3:53:43 PM
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It is difficult and sometimes impossible to purify contaminated groundwater.
Weegy: It is difficult and sometimes impossible to purify contaminated groundwater. TRUE. User: Under existing laws, States do not have broad authority to control how hazardous materials are stored, used, transported, and disposed of within their borders. Weegy: Under existing laws, States do not have broad authority to control how hazardous materials are stored, used, transported, and disposed of within their borders. FALSE.? User: What is the primary purpose of a Hazardous Materials Response Team? Weegy: The primary purpose of a Hazardous Materials Response team is to provide the skills, knowledge, and technical equipment needed to offensively handle hazardous materials incidents. User: The presence of hazardous materials can always be detected by the sense of smell. Weegy: The presence of hazardous materials can always be detected by the sense of smell - is FALSE. User: The five phases of a hazardous material's life does not include production, transportation, storage, elimination, and disposal. Weegy: The five phases of a hazardous material's life does not include production, transportation, storage, elimination, and disposal. FALSE User: When treating a household incident involving exposure to a poison, your most reliable source of advice and expertise is: Weegy: When treating a household incident involving exposure to a poison, your most reliable source of advice and expertise is the product's label. User: 8. The EPCRA grants citizens the right to obtain information on hazardous materials in their community. Weegy: The EPCRA grants citizens the right to obtain information on hazardous materials in their community. TRUE. User: Which Federal law is intended to assure, so far as possible, safe working conditions? (More)
Not Answered
Updated 8/10/2022 11:29:03 AM
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The Occupational Safety and Health Act is intended to assure, so far as possible, safe working conditions.
Added 8/10/2022 11:29:03 AM
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