Weegy: The French and Indian War was fought in America.
User: Who trained the American troops
Weegy: Baron Friedrich von Steuben trained the American troops.
User: Which act was passed as a response to the Boston tea party
Weegy: The Coercive Acts ("Intolerable Acts") were passed as a response to the Boston tea party.
User: What happened to land in America after the revolutionary war
Weegy: It all became the government's property happened to land in America after the Revolutionary War.
User: After the revolutionary war which branch of government did the states make more powerful
Weegy: After the revolutionary war, the branch of the government that states made as more powerful was: the state government.
User: Where did many loyalist go after the war
Weegy: Many loyalists went to Canada after the war.
User: What event would cause the first continental congress to me again
Weegy: The First Continental Congress was a meeting of delegates from twelve of the thirteen colonies that met on September 5 to October 26, 1774 at Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, early in the American Revolution.
User: What was the job of the first Congress
Weegy: The job of the first Congress was:
To strengthen the Constitution.
User: What was the 3/5 compromise
Weegy: The Three-fifths Compromise means three-fifths of the slave population would be counted for determining direct taxation and representation in the House of Representatives.
User: Who was a political organizer that led the independence movement in Boston
Weegy: Samuel Adams was a political organizer that led the independence movement in Boston.
User: What did Washington warn against in his farewell address
Weegy: In his farewell address, Washington warns the people that political factions may seek to obstruct the execution of the laws created by the government.
User: How did the constitution set up the legislative branch
Weegy: The Constitution set up the Legislative ...