Weegy: Lack of aggressive military leadership was one of President Lincoln's major frustrations early in the Civil War.
User: What did the Thirteenth Amendment accomplish?
Weegy: The Thirteenth Amendment accomplished: the abolition of slavery.
User: What new political party formed as a result of the fight over slavery in the mid-1800s?
Weegy: The new political party formed as a result of the fight over slavery in the mid-1800's is Republican party.
User: What was the main topic of the Lincoln-Douglas debates?
Weegy: The main topic Lincoln Douglas debates was slavery.
User: What country did Texas break away from to become independent?
Weegy: Texas break away Mexico to become independent.
User: What writing brought attention to slave life in the South during the mid-1800s?
Weegy: Uncle Tom's Cabin brought attention to slave life in the South during the mid-1800's.