Question and answer
If you are going 55 miles per hour you will need more than feet to safely pass another vehicle
Asked 7/20/2018 2:54:17 PM
Updated 6/4/2021 5:24:53 PM
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User: If you are going 55 miles per hour you will need more than feet to safely pass another vehicle

Weegy: If you were going 55 mph, you will need more than 800 feet to safely pass another vehicle.
Expert answered|Score .814|Jay901|Points 8236|

User: True or false if a single broken yellow line is present either Lane of traffic may pass when it is safe to do so

Weegy: A single broken yellow line is present either Lane of traffic may pass when it is safe to do so. TRUE.
Expert answered|Score 1|soumen314|Points 3565|

User: True or false if a single broken yellow line is present either Lane of traffic may pass when it is safe to do so

Weegy: A single broken yellow line is present either Lane of traffic may pass when it is safe to do so. TRUE.
Expert answered|Score 1|soumen314|Points 3565|

User: True or false if your gas pedal jams you should turn the key to lock the steering wheel

Weegy: If your gas pedal jams you should turn the key to lock to lock the steering wheel. FALSE.
Expert answered|Score 1|MrG|Points 42703|

User: Passing involves the use of your signals and physically turning your head to check your blind spots

Weegy: Passing involves use of your signals, mirrors, and physically turning your head to check your blind spots
Expert answered|Score .7589|MrG|Points 42703|

User: you are not allowed to park within feet of an intersection

Weegy: You are not allowed to park within 20 feet of an intersection.
Score 1

User: True or false it is legal to pass in Florida When approaching within 100 feet of or reversing any railroad grade crossing

Asked 7/20/2018 2:54:17 PM
Updated 6/4/2021 5:24:53 PM
1 Answer/Comment
New answers
It is legal to pass in Florida When approaching within 100 feet of or reversing any railroad grade crossing. FALSE.
Added 6/4/2021 5:24:53 PM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

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1 Answer/Comment
Yield signs are red and white triangles.
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1 Answer/Comment
If you were going 55 mph, you will need more than 800 feet to safely pass another vehicle.
Added 4/6/2020 9:16:06 PM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
If you were going 55 miles per hour you will need more than feet to pass another vehicle
Not Answered
Updated 6/6/2019 8:55:42 AM
1 Answer/Comment
If you are going 55 miles per hour you will need more than 1,600 feet to safely pass another vehicle.
Added 6/6/2019 8:55:42 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
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1 Answer/Comment
Risk-taking has been shown to be affected at a BAL of 0.01.
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This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
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1 Answer/Comment
Mental clouding, and nausea can be a result of taking narcotics.
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This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Confirmed by matahari [9/15/2018 1:51:16 AM], Confirmed by Sting [9/15/2018 1:57:34 AM], Sting [9/15/2018 1:58:00 AM]
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