Weegy: An Incident Commander's scope of authority is derived: From existing laws, agency policies, and procedures, and/or Delegation of Authority.
User: Which statement accurately describes one reason a delegation of authority may be needed?
Weegy: When the incident scope is complex or beyond existing authorities accurately describes one reason a delegation of authority may be needed.
User: When the supervisor-to-subordinate ratio exceeds manageable span of control, additional Teams, Divisions, Groups, Branches, or Sections can be established. Which NIMS Management characteristic does this describe?
Weegy: Modular Organization is the NIMS Management characteristic described when the supervisor-to-subordinate ratio exceeds manageable span of control, additional Teams, Divisions, Groups, Branches, [ or Sections can be established.
User: Which Incident Type is limited to one operational period, does not require a written Incident Action Plan, involves Command and General Staff only if needed, and requires several single resources?