Question and answer
Which part of the eye controls light entry? a) Retina b) Cornea c) Pupil d) Iris
Asked 20 days ago|1/27/2025 8:06:15 AM
Updated 20 days ago|1/27/2025 11:29:57 AM
5 Answers/Comments
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User: Which part of the eye controls light entry? a) Retina b) Cornea c) Pupil d) Iris

Weegy: The colored part of the human eye is the iris.
|Score .877|stan_r|Points 1372|

User: The primary site of gas exchange in the lungs is: a) Bronchi b) Alveoli c) Trachea d) Larynx

Weegy: The trachea connects to two smaller tubes called bronchi.

|Score .8631|soulflyswimmer|Points 31|

User: The system responsible for transporting blood is the: a) Digestive system b) Nervous system c) Circulatory system d) Endocrine system

Weegy: Endocrine system is made up of glands.
Score .8819

User: What part of the brain is responsible for higher mental functions? a) Brainstem b) Cerebellum c) Cerebrum d) Thalamus

Asked 20 days ago|1/27/2025 8:06:15 AM
Updated 20 days ago|1/27/2025 11:29:57 AM
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Cerebrum is responsible for higher mental functions.
Added 20 days ago|1/27/2025 8:18:43 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Confirmed by oldwallet [1/27/2025 8:24:12 AM], Confirmed by yumdrea [1/27/2025 8:24:42 AM]
The part of the eye that controls light entry is the pupil.
Added 20 days ago|1/27/2025 8:22:13 AM
This answer has been flagged as incorrect.
Confirmed by oldwallet [1/27/2025 8:24:13 AM], Confirmed by yumdrea [1/27/2025 8:24:14 AM], Flagged by Janet17 [2/1/2025 4:52:51 PM], Unflagged by Janet17 [2/1/2025 4:52:51 PM], Flagged by Janet17 [2/1/2025 4:52:52 PM]
The primary site of gas exchange in the lungs is Alveoli.
Added 20 days ago|1/27/2025 8:23:04 AM
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Confirmed by oldwallet [1/27/2025 8:24:14 AM], Confirmed by yumdrea [1/27/2025 8:24:16 AM]
The system responsible for transporting blood is the Circulatory system.
Added 20 days ago|1/27/2025 8:23:45 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Confirmed by oldwallet [1/27/2025 8:24:16 AM], Confirmed by yumdrea [1/27/2025 8:24:19 AM], Confirmed by alfred123 [1/27/2025 8:24:21 AM]
The part of the eye that controls light entry is Iris.
Added 20 days ago|1/27/2025 11:29:57 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Confirmed by Janet17 [2/1/2025 4:52:58 PM]

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Questions asked by the same visitor
Which of the following is a major biogeochemical cycle? A) Carbon cycle B) Technological cycle C) Urban cycle D) Socioeconomic cycle
Weegy: Carbon cycle is a major biogeochemical cycle. (More)
Expert Answered
Updated 21 days ago|1/27/2025 5:05:46 AM
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What is the term for a group of individuals of the same species living in a particular area? A) Community B) Population C) Ecosystem D) Biome
Weegy: The term for a group of individuals of the same species living in a particular area is Population. (More)
Expert Answered
Updated 21 days ago|1/27/2025 5:05:33 AM
0 Answers/Comments
In an energy pyramid, which level has the most energy? A) Primary producers B) Primary consumers C) Secondary consumers D) Tertiary consumers
Weegy: Primary producers have the most energy in an energy pyramid. (More)
Expert Answered
Updated 20 days ago|1/27/2025 6:06:54 AM
0 Answers/Comments
What is the role of decomposers in an ecosystem? A) Produce energy B) Consume herbivores C) Break down dead organic matter D) Compete with plants
Weegy: Decomposers consume nonliving organic matter. TRUE. User: Which of the following is a keystone species? A) Sea otter B) Grass C) Earthworm D) Maple tree (More)
Not Answered
Updated 21 days ago|1/27/2025 4:36:29 AM
1 Answer/Comment
Break down dead organic matter is the role of decomposers in the ecosystem.
Added 21 days ago|1/27/2025 4:36:29 AM
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The process by which certain bacteria convert nitrogen gas into ammonia is called: A) Nitrogen fixation B) Nitrification C) Denitrification D) Ammonification
Weegy: Nitrogen fixation and ammonification are two natural processes in which ammonia is created. User: What is the carrying capacity of an ecosystem? A) The maximum population size that an environment can sustain B) The minimum population size needed for survival C) The average population size D) The growth rate of a population (More)
Not Answered
Updated 21 days ago|1/27/2025 4:46:41 AM
2 Answers/Comments
The carrying capacity of an ecosystem is the maximum population size that an environment can sustain.
Added 21 days ago|1/27/2025 4:45:47 AM
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Confirmed by alfred123 [1/27/2025 4:47:21 AM]
The process by which certain bacteria convert nitrogen gas into ammonia is called Nitrogen fixation.
Added 21 days ago|1/27/2025 4:46:38 AM
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Confirmed by alfred123 [1/27/2025 4:47:23 AM]
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