Weegy: If you're under the age of 18, you can be prosecuted in some states for: Sending sexually explicit images of yourself to someone else.
User: What's one positive aspect of gamer culture?
Weegy: 3 (three) is a number, numeral and digit. It is the natural number following 2 and preceding 4, and is the smallest odd prime number and the only prime preceding a square number.
User: Thuy downloads an app to put creative filters over the pictures she takes on her phone. When she first opens the app, she sees a list of rules for using the app. When she finishes reading them, she must check a box to use the app. What document did Thuy just read?
Weegy: Thuy downloads an app to put creative filters over the pictures she takes on her phone. When she first opens the app, she sees a list of rules for using the app. When she finishes reading them, she must check a box to use the app. Thuy just read "Terms of service."
User: What does it mean to say "the internet doesn't have an eraser"?
Weegy: To say the internet doesn't have an eraser means that information or content once published online is often permanent and difficult to completely erase or remove.
User: When you're communicating online, it shows good netiquette to
Weegy: When you re communicating online, it shows good netiquette to respect other's privacy.
User: Isabel frequently uses Instagram and TikTok to communicate with friends, both to post about her own life and to share memes and videos with friends. She never shares offensive content, but she would rather that college admissions counselors and future employers can't see more private things, like pictures of her in a bathing suit at the beach. What step can Isabel take to protect her digital reputation?
Weegy: The best approach is to be diligent with privacy settings, using them to partition the personal presence from the emerging professional online .
User: What do all people in a digital culture have in common?
Weegy: All people in ...
(More) 3
Joel is experiencing digital exclusion because poverty.
Added 75 days ago|12/3/2024 7:59:56 PM
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Collaborative problem solving is one positive aspect of gamer culture.
Added 73 days ago|12/5/2024 12:07:17 AM
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The best way to avoid filter bubbles and echo chambers is to seek out information from a variety of different sources.
Added 73 days ago|12/5/2024 12:07:35 AM
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Delete the photos and videos. - is the most responsible thing to do if you have photos or videos with nudity of a former romantic partner on your digital device.
Added 73 days ago|12/5/2024 12:07:50 AM
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The difference between a bystander and an advocate is that: A bystander doesn't do anything to stop cyberbullying, but an advocate supports the victim and tries to stop the abuse.
Added 73 days ago|12/5/2024 12:08:00 AM
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