Question and answer
How many states formed the Confederacy?
Asked 27 days ago|1/11/2025 7:39:16 AM
Updated 27 days ago|1/11/2025 7:58:32 AM
3 Answers/Comments
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User: How many states formed the Confederacy?

Score 1

User: 29 Whats the purpose of a social media algorithm

Weegy: 1 + 1 = 2
Score 1

User: What is the most common natural disaster in the United States?

Weegy: United Airlines, Inc., is a major American airline headquartered at the Willis Tower in Chicago, Illinois. United operates a large domestic and international route network spanning cities large and small across the United States and all six inhabited continents.

Score .8667

Asked 27 days ago|1/11/2025 7:39:16 AM
Updated 27 days ago|1/11/2025 7:58:32 AM
3 Answers/Comments
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Eleven: formed the confederacy.

Added 27 days ago|1/11/2025 7:57:03 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Confirmed by Cliff: [1/11/2025 8:04:13 AM]

The purpose of a social media algorithm is: To create filter bubbles and echo chambers that prevent genuine online communication.

Added 27 days ago|1/11/2025 7:57:52 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Confirmed by Cliff: [1/11/2025 8:04:15 AM]
Flooding is the most common natural disaster in the United States.

Added 27 days ago|1/11/2025 7:58:32 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Confirmed by Cliff: [1/11/2025 8:04:16 AM]

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Questions asked by the same visitor
People who view themselves independently of others represent the idea of __________.
Weegy: People who view themselves independently of others represent the idea of individualism. (More)
Updated 27 days ago|1/11/2025 4:08:22 AM
0 Answers/Comments
If the winner of the popular vote does not win the presidency,
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Expert Answered
Updated 27 days ago|1/11/2025 5:12:09 AM
1 Answer/Comment
Parking is not allowed within 20 feet of the entrance to a fire, ambulance, or rescue squad station.

Added 27 days ago|1/11/2025 3:59:38 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Confirmed by Cliff: [1/11/2025 5:12:07 AM]
Which one of the following problems may result from a direct democracy?
Weegy: The rights of the minorities may be taken away may result from a direct democracy. (More)
Expert Answered
Updated 27 days ago|1/11/2025 3:59:44 AM
0 Answers/Comments
According to hippa what must happen if there is a breach of patient information
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Updated 27 days ago|1/11/2025 5:13:09 AM
0 Answers/Comments
What is/are responsible for creating variations in climate and weather at different latitudes?
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Not Answered
Updated 27 days ago|1/11/2025 5:12:15 AM
1 Answer/Comment
The density difference between warm, moist air and cold air causes the moist air to rise. This is key to forming clouds.

Added 27 days ago|1/11/2025 3:59:01 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Confirmed by Cliff: [1/11/2025 5:12:13 AM]
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