Weegy: Information and Intelligence Management is the NIMS Management Characteristic which may include gathering, analyzing, and assessing weather service data from technical specialists.
User: which general staff member prepares incident action plans, manages information, and maintains situational awareness for the incident?
Weegy: Planning Section Chief is a general staff member prepares incident action plans mange s information and maintains situational awareness for the incident.
User: The number of subcordinates that one supervisor can manage effectively during an incident is?
Weegy: The number of subordinates that one supervisor can manage effectively during an incident is referred to as: Span of control .
User: expansion of the ics modular organization is the responsibility of the?
Weegy: Expansion of the ICS modular organization is the responsibility of the Incident Commander.
User: the nims management characteristic of chain of command and unity of command means that each person?
Weegy: The NIMS Management Characteristic of Chain of Command and Unity of Command means that each person reports to only one ICS supervisor.
User: to ensure a smooth transfer, the outgoing incident commander should provide what to the incident commander?