Question and answer
Latasha studied hard for her American history test and earned an “A”. The “A” acts as for her hard work
Asked 5/11/2022 7:07:45 AM
Updated 9/25/2023 8:09:32 PM
1 Answer/Comment
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User: Latasha studied hard for her American history test and earned an “A”. The “A” acts as for her hard work

Weegy: Latasha studied hard for her American history test and earned an "A." The "A" acts as reinforcement for her hard work.
Score 1

User: Noticing nice things about people and telling them is an example of

Weegy: Noticing nice things about people, and telling them, is an example of good communication.
|Score 1|emdjay23|Points 246952|

User: Performance goals are used to

Weegy: Performance goals are used to measure productivity.
|Score 1|emdjay23|Points 246952|

User: Productivity is the combination of

Weegy: Productivity is the combination of efficiency and effectiveness.
Score 1

User: Self-confidence is the most important quality for

Weegy: Self-confidence is the most important quality for building new relationships.
|Score 1|emdjay23|Points 246952|

User: Strong language often

Weegy: Strong language often means strong feelings.
Score 1

User: Studying how people get along with one another

Weegy: Studying how people get along with one another - can improve a person's personal life.
|Score 1|jeifunk|Points 93064|

User: The an analysis of how people relate to each other is known as

Weegy: The analysis of how people relate to each other is known as: anthropology.
|Score 1|alfred123|Points 128996|

User: The efforts of one good worker can often motivate others to reach their potential through a process called

Weegy: The efforts of one good worker can often motivate others to reach their potential through a process called modeling. [ ]
Score 1

User: The main goal of human relations is two

Weegy: The main goal of human relations is to help people relate better with one another.
Score 1

User: To be productive and a new job, which one of the following suggestions can you safely ignore

Weegy: Can you please list the choices please so I could answer your question correctly? Thanks.
|Score 1|jher000|Points 7937|

User: To be productive in a new job which of the following suggestions can you safely ignore? A) be committed to doing the best job you can.

Weegy: To be productive in a new job you can safely ignore the following suggestion: In team assignments, make sure you speak first and act on your own.
Score .9501

User: Tone, volume, and pace are part of

Weegy: Tone, volume and pace are part of spoken language.
Score 1

User: What is the best way to overcome imagined risks

Weegy: Replace negative self-talk with positive self-talk is the best way to overcome imagined risks.
Score 1

User: What is the main reason that attitude or often rebuild in spoken rather than written language

Asked 5/11/2022 7:07:45 AM
Updated 9/25/2023 8:09:32 PM
1 Answer/Comment
New answers
We speak far more often than we write. - is the main reason that attitudes are more often revealed in spoken rather than written language.
Added 9/25/2023 8:09:32 PM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

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Questions asked by the same visitor
Because we often can’t choose our coworkers will be, we should
Weegy: Because we often can't choose who our coworkers will be, we should try to be tolerant, even of coworkers we wouldn't choose as friends. User: In a conversation with a coworker, you’re not sure what she said about the Clearwater building site. By repeating what you think she said in your own words, you’re demonstrating effective skills Weegy: In a conversation with a coworker, you're not sure what she said about the Clearwater building site. By repeating what you think she said in your own words, you're demonstrating effective listening skills. [ ] User: Inflections best relate to Weegy: Inflection best relates to: TONE. User: It’s easier to eliminate negative self talk when we Weegy: It's easier to eliminate negative self-talk when we try not to think of the worst things that can happen. User: Jose is afraid to ask Tina on a date because he fears she will say no. Jose is experiencing Weegy: Jose is afraid to ask Tina on a date because he fears she will say no. Jose is experiencing: negative self-talk. User: Natasha studied hard for her American history test and earned an “A” (More)
Not Answered
Updated 5/11/2022 7:31:13 AM
1 Answer/Comment
Latasha studied hard for her American history test and earned an "A." The "A" acts as reinforcement for her hard work.

Added 5/11/2022 7:31:13 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
What is the main reason that attitudes are often
Not Answered
Updated 5/11/2022 7:52:36 AM
1 Answer/Comment
We speak far more often than we write is the main reason that attitudes are more often revealed in spoken rather than written language.
Added 5/11/2022 7:52:36 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Which of the following human relations skills is more clearly related to communication
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Updated 5/11/2022 7:51:49 AM
1 Answer/Comment
Listening is the human relations skills is most clearly related to communication.

Added 5/11/2022 7:51:49 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
When you complete a job, but use more time and effort than his truly necessary, how have you work?
Weegy: When you complete a job, but use more time and effort than is truly necessary, you have worked: Effectively, but not efficiently. User: What is the main reason that attitudes are often revealed unspoken rather than written language (More)
Not Answered
Updated 5/11/2022 7:50:32 AM
1 Answer/Comment
We speak far more often than we write, is the main reason that attitudes are more often revealed in spoken word than written language.
Added 5/11/2022 7:50:32 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Which of the following is example of consideration?
Not Answered
Updated 5/11/2022 7:51:14 AM
1 Answer/Comment
Opening a door for someone who is carrying things - is an example of consideration.
Added 5/11/2022 7:51:14 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
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Weegy: The process of converting glucose into energy in the absence of oxygen is called Anaerobic respiration. User: ...
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What neurotransmitter is associated with pleasure and reward? A) ...
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Which type of plant does not produce seeds? A) Gymnosperms B) ...
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If an item costs $45 and you pay with a $50 bill, how much change do ...
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