Weegy: Controls given to one branch of government to limit the power of another branch are known as checks and balances.
User: Shays' Rebellion encouraged national leaders to
Weegy: Shays' Rebellion encouraged national leaders to articles of confederation.
User: The governmental body responsible for interpreting the Constitution is the
Weegy: The governmental body responsible for interpreting the Constitution is the Supreme Court.
User: The idea that people within a state can and should determine the laws within that state is referred to as
Weegy: Popular Sovereignty is the idea that people within a state can and should determine the laws within that state.
User: What Supreme Court case established the principle of judicial review
Weegy: Marbury v. Madison case established the principal of judicial review.
User: The Supreme Court's ability to interpret the Constitution is called
Weegy: The Supreme Court's ability to interpret the constitution is called judicial review.
User: Supporters of the New Jersey Plan
Weegy: Supporters of the New Jersey Plan called for a legislature in which each state had one vote.
User: A bicameral legislature features
Weegy: A bicameral legislature features with two legislative bodies.
User: _______ was/were established to settle disputes between the states.
Weegy: Central courts were established to settle disputes between the states.
User: For impeachment proceedings to begin, a president has to be accused of
Weegy: For impeachment proceedings to begin, a president has to be accused of a crime.
User: enator Jon Tester of Montana was reelected in 2012. If he decides to run again when his current term expires, in what year will the election occur?
Weegy: Senator Jon tester of Montana was reelected in 2012. If he decides to run again when his current team expires, the election will occur in 2018.
User: Which one of the following statements is accurate for the Articles of Confederation? ...