Question and answer
Which of these is NOT one of the three cross-cutting core capabilities? A. Planning B. Mass Care Services C. Public Information and Warning D. Operational Coordination
Asked 6/16/2022 10:28:23 PM
Updated 6/16/2022 11:03:32 PM
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User: Which of these is NOT one of the three cross-cutting core capabilities? A. Planning B. Mass Care Services C. Public Information and Warning D. Operational Coordination

Weegy: Mass Care Services is NOT one of the three cross-cutting core capabilities.
Score 1

User: Presidential Policy Directive 8 is organized around five elements. Which element documents the progress made toward achieving the goal?

Weegy: Presidential Policy Directive 8 is organized around five elements. National Preparedness Report is the element documents the progress made toward achieving the goal.
Score .9583

User: Which Prevention core capability is implemented to delay, divert, intercept, halt, apprehend, or secure threats and/or hazards?

Weegy: Interdiction and Disruption is implemented to Delay, divert, intercept, halt, apprehend, or secure threats and/or hazards.
Score 1

User: The National Preparedness Goal includes five mission areas. Which mission area includes the capabilities necessary to assist communities affected by an incident to recover effectively?

Weegy: Recovery mission area includes the capabilities necessary to assist communities affected by an incident to recover effectively.
Score .9429

User: Which of the following does NOT describe core capabilities?

Asked 6/16/2022 10:28:23 PM
Updated 6/16/2022 11:03:32 PM
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They are exclusive to the federal government and cannot be applied at the local level does NOT describe core capabilities.
Added 6/16/2022 11:03:32 PM
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Questions asked by the same visitor
If your message contains a lot of details and your audience is unfamiliar with the subject, you may want to use a:
Weegy: If your message contains a lot of details and your audience is unfamiliar with the subject, you may want to use a: Fact Sheet. User: The public information officer for an organization Weegy: Public information officers gather facts and distribute them to the media and produce printed and video material about their organization for dissemination to the [ public. ] User: Communication with internal agency personnel is Weegy: Communication with internal agency personnel is: a required responsibility of the PIO as outlined by NIMS. User: A Public Information Officer (PIO) for a public safety or emergency management agency might expect to spend what portion of his or her time on activities directly related to incident response or recovery? Weegy: PIO should be assigned for each incident and may have assistants, as necessary, [ including supporting PIOs representing other responding agencies or jurisdictions. ] User: Communicating public information messages internally to the workforce is important because it allows the PIO to: Weegy: Communicating public information messages internally to the workforce is important because it allows the PIO to: Enlist support and involvement of organization personnel while communicating a consistent [ message. ] User: The 8-Step Communication Model includes: Weegy: The 8-Step Communication Model includes: Assess current situation, Develop and pre-test materials, and Develop an action plan. User: One of the advantages of the Incident Command System (ICS) is: Weegy: The Incident Command System (ICS) is a standardized approach to the command, control, and coordination of emergency response providing a common hierarchy within which responders from multiple agencies can be effective. User: One of the advantages of the Incident Command System (ICS) is: A. It provides a framework for people from multiple agencies to work well together B. It has been proven effective during massive wildfire incidents C. ... (More)
Not Answered
Updated 2/1/2024 12:07:46 AM
3 Answers/Comments
Incident action planning and strategic communication planning are related because the first step to each is understanding the situation.
Added 6/15/2022 8:17:37 AM
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The Public Information Officer for an organization should be knowledgeable, assertive, credible, flexible, able to perform under pressure and accessible.
Added 2/1/2024 12:07:34 AM
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A Public Information Officer (PIO) for a public safety or emergency management agency might expect to spend 5% of his or her time on activities directly related to incident response or recovery.
Added 2/1/2024 12:07:46 AM
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Incident action planning and strategic communication planning
Weegy: Incident action planning and strategic communication planning are related because the first step to each is understanding the situation. User: A State or local Emergency Operations Plan is an example of: (More)
Not Answered
Updated 6/15/2022 3:56:46 AM
1 Answer/Comment
A State or local Emergency Operations Plan is an example of Incident Planning.
Added 6/15/2022 3:56:46 AM
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The process for ensuring that a public information message was accurately conveyed is typically called:
Weegy: The process for ensuring that a public information message was accurately conveyed is typically called: Dissemination. User: A PIO's proactive approach to public information enhances credibility in messaging. Proactivity occurs during Weegy: A PIO's proactive approach to public information enhances credibility in messaging. [ Proactivity occurs during down time when working an emergency. ] User: Using acronyms in news releases may: Weegy: Using acronyms in news releases may: Be a barrier to communication. User: Social marketing is the use of commercial marketing principles to: Weegy: Social marketing is the use of commercial marketing principles to improve the welfare of people and the physical, social and economic environment in which they live. User: Social marketing is the use of commercial marketing principles to: A. Promote government programs and activities B. Enhance social media C. Influence an audience to modify behavior D. Sell government or nonprofit products and programs Weegy: Social marketing is the use of commercial marketing principles to improve the welfare of people and the physical, social and economic environment in which they live. User: The PIO's primary responsibility to organizational leadership as an advisor is to: Weegy: PIOs should participate in ongoing training related to emergency management. User: The PIO's primary responsibility to organizational leadership as an advisor is to: A. Develop relationships with other organizations' PIOs B. Assess situations for public information implications C. Set up interviews and write talking points D. Be an intermediary between leadership and the news media (More)
Not Answered
Updated 2/1/2024 12:07:56 AM
2 Answers/Comments
The PIO s primary responsibility to organizational leadership as an advisor is to: Be an intermediary between leadership and the news media.
Added 6/15/2022 8:16:04 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Social marketing is the use of commercial marketing principles to: Influence an audience to modify behavior.
Added 2/1/2024 12:07:56 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
A well executed interview will likely not
Weegy: A well executed interview will likely not result in the need to conduct follow-up interviews. User: Providing good public information helps people make the right decisions at the right time and can instill public confidence in the organization, which is primarily important because: Weegy: Providing good public information helps people make the right decisions at the right time and can instill public confidence in the organization, [ which is primarily important because: It is the job of the PIO to create a positive impression of the organization. ] User: The incident command system (More)
Not Answered
Updated 6/15/2022 3:56:14 AM
1 Answer/Comment
The Incident Command System is a standardized approach to the command, control, and coordination of emergency response providing a common hierarchy within which responders from multiple agencies can be effective.
Added 6/15/2022 3:56:14 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Select the correct definition - Emergency Public Information
Weegy: The correct definition for Emergency Public Information is: Information developed and disseminated in anticipation of, during, or after an emergency to provide specific life- and health-saving information. ] User: Communication with internal agency personnel is Weegy: Communication with internal agency personnel is: a required responsibility of the PIO as outlined by NIMS. User: Providing good public information helps people make the right decisions at the right time and can instill public confidence in the organization, which is primarily important because: Weegy: Providing good public information helps people make the right decisions at the right time and can instill public confidence in the organization, [ which is primarily important because: It is the job of the PIO to create a positive impression of the organization. ] User: A well executed interview will likely not Weegy: A well executed interview will likely not result in the need to conduct follow-up interviews. User: PIOs should A. report to the Finance/Admin Section Chief when arriving at an incident. B. compile a go kit to allow for lengthy deployments to a long-term incident. C. request additional assistance through the National Public Information Support Network. D. seek media release approval from the Communication Unit Leader. Weegy: PIOs should seek media release approval from the Communication Unit Leader. User: The process for ensuring that a public information message was accurately conveyed is typically called: Weegy: The process for ensuring that a public information message was accurately conveyed is typically called: Dissemination. User: Incident action planning and strategic communication planning Weegy: Incident action planning and strategic communication planning are related because the first step to each is understanding the situation. User: Select the correct definition - External Affairs Weegy: Public Information: Information developed and ... (More)
Updated 242 days ago|6/10/2024 12:37:41 AM
2 Answers/Comments
External Affairs: Coordinates the release of accurate, coordinated, timely and accessible public information to affected audiences, including the government, media, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and the private sector.
Added 245 days ago|6/7/2024 12:28:52 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
PIOs should seek media release approval from the Communication Unit Leader.
Added 242 days ago|6/10/2024 12:37:41 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
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