Weegy: Image result for what event is considered the beginning of the reformation.
User: Who was pope when the Byzantine Empire requested aid from the church due to the Turkish threat
Weegy: Urban II was the pope when the Byzantine empire requested aid from the the church due to the Turkish threat.
User: What was a characteristic of the High Middle Ages in the twelfth century
Weegy: Outside invasion was a characteristic of the high middle ages in the twelfth century.
User: What impact did Constantine the first have on the Roman Empire
Weegy: He legalized Christianity and changed the capital, is the impact Constantine I had on the Byzantine empire.
User: What were some unique characteristics of the Mayan civilization compared to other Native American civilizations
Weegy: Some unique characteristics of the Mayan civilization were: developing the science of astronomy, calendar systems, and hieroglyphic writing.
User: What is one suspected reason why the Chaco Anasazi people had migrated away from their pueblos by the 1200s
Weegy: The Chaco Anasazi people migrate away from their pueblos by the 1200s because they may have left because of a drought, but no one knows for sure.
User: What was a visible reminder of religious and political authority in the Byzantine Empire
Weegy: The Hagia Sophia was a visible reminder of religious and political authority in the Byzantine Empire.
User: Penance in the Catholic Church was a
Weegy: Penance in the Catholic Church was a consequence for sin.
User: What was a cause of the Netherlands rebellion against Spain
Weegy: Philip raised taxes and took steps to crush Protestantism, was a cause of the Netherlands rebellion against Spain.
User: How was trade impacted by the fall of the roman Empire
Weegy: Trade impacted by the fall of the roman empire by: trade also collapsed.
User: The Moche, Nazca, and Huari were all indigenous civilizations in what is now
Weegy: The Moche ,Nazca, and Huari were all ...