Weegy: The NIMS guiding principle of standardization supports interoperability among multiple organizations.
User: EOCs receive senior level guidance from ?
Weegy: EOCs receive senior level guidance from MAC Groups.
User: the 3 NIMS guiding principles are ?
Weegy: The three NIMS guiding principles are: Flexibility, standardization, unity of effort.
User: regarding resource typing , which of the following characteristics are typically used to categorize resources?
Weegy: Regarding resource typing, Capability are typically use to categorize resources.
User: true or false : in NIMS , resource inventorying refers to preparedness activities conducted outside of incident response
Weegy: In NIMS, resource inventorying refers to preparedness activities conducted Outside of Incident response.
User: true or false : One EOC function is to provide coordinated support to incident command , on-scene personnel , and other EOCs , if needed
Weegy: One EOC function is to provide coordinated support to incident command, on-scene personnel, and other EOCs, if needed. TRUE
User: which ICS structure enables different jurisdictions to jointly manage and direct incident activities with a single incident action plan ?
Weegy: Unified Command enables different jurisdictions to jointly manage and direct incident activities with a single incident action plan.
User: which NIMS management characteristic includes developing and issuing assignments, plans , procedures, and protocols to accomplish task ?
Weegy: Management by Objectives includes developing and issuing assignments, plans, procedures, and protocols to accomplish tasks.
User: each ICS general staff is led by an ?
Weegy: Each ICS General Staff is led by a Section Chief who reports directly to the Incident Commander or Unified Command.
User: ICS provides a standardized approach to the command , control , and coordination of ? emergency personnel
Weegy: ICS provides a standardized approach to the ...