Weegy: Operations Section Chief is the General Staff member who directs all responses and tactical actions to achieve the incident [ objectives.
User: Depending on the incident size and complexity, various types of support facilities may be established by:
Weegy: Depending on the incident size and complexity, various types of support facilities may be established by: Incident Command.
User: An incident action plan captures and communications overall operational and support activities for an incident
Weegy: An Incident Action Plan captures and communicates overall operational and support activities for an incident. TRUE.
User: The incident command system is only applicable to large, complex incidents
Weegy: The Incident Command System is only applicable to large, complex incidents. FALSE.
User: Which general staff member negotiates and monitors contracts, maintains documents for embursement and oversees timekeeping for incident personnel
Weegy: Finance/Administration Section Chief is the General Staff member who negotiates and monitors contracts, maintains documentation for reimbursement, [ and oversees timekeeping for incident personnel.