Weegy: Check-in, Incident Action Planning, Personal Responsibility, and Resource Tracking are all necessary to ensure: Accountability.
User: Incident objectives that drive incident operations are established by the
Weegy: Incident objectives that drive incident operations are established by the: Incident Commander or Unified Command.
User: The Operations Section Chief
Weegy: The Operations Section Chief: is responsible for the management of all operations directly applicable to the primary mission.
User: Which ICS function is responsible for documentation of mutual aid agreements
Weegy: The ICS function responsible for documentation for mutual aid agreements is: Planning.
User: Which General Staff member prepares Incident Action Plans, manages information, and maintains situational awareness for the incident
Weegy: Planning Section Chief prepares Incident Action Plans, manages information, and maintains situational awareness for the incident.
User: Which ICS functional area establishes tactics and directs all operational resources to achieve the incident objectives
Weegy: Operations establishes tactics and directs all operational resources to achieve the incident objectives.
User: The Incident Command System (ICS) is
Weegy: The Incident Command System (ICS) is a standardized approach to the command, control, and coordination of emergency response providing a common hierarchy within which responders from multiple agencies can be effective.
User: Selection of Incident Commanders is done by the
Weegy: Selection of Incident Commanders is done by the jurisdiction or organization with primary responsibility for the incident.
User: Which item is included in the NIMS Management Characteristic of Accountability
Weegy: Items included in the NIMS Management Characteristic of Accountability are: Check-in/checkout; Incident action planning; Unity of command; Personal responsibility; Span of control; and Resource [ tracking.
User: Which ...