Weegy: The generation gap was the name given to the lack of understanding and communication between older and younger Americans.
2. What book brought the public's attention to damage caused by pollution in the early 1960s?
A. Unsafe at any Speed
B. The Jungle
C. Silent Spring
D. Catcher in the Rye
Weegy: ''Silent Spring'' brought the public's attention to damage caused by pollution in the early 1960s.
3. What is feminism?
A. The theory of political, social, and economic equality of men and women
B. The theory that women are inferior to men
C. The study of the female mind
D. The theory that women are superior to men
Weegy: Feminism is The theory of political, social, and economic equality of men and women.
4. Why did Gerald Ford face a difficult election in 1976?
A. Ford couldn't raise enough money to run a serious campaign.
B. Jimmy Carter was an unusually charismatic speaker.
C. Ford faced a severe recession in the nation.
D. Ford refused to pardon Nixon.
Weegy: Ford faced a severe recession in the nation- is the reason Gerald Ford faced a difficult election in 1976. is the reason Gerald Ford faced a difficult election in 1976.
5. Ralph Nader's book Unsafe at Any Speed brought about safety regulations in what products?
A. Trains
B. Airplanes
C. Boats
D. Automobiles
Weegy: Ralph Nader's book Unsafe at Any Speed brought about safety regulations in: Automobiles.
6. What foreign policy issue hurt Carter in the election of 1980?
A. The Iran hostage crisis
B. The trade war with China
C. War in Afghanistan
D. The Camp David Accords
Weegy: The Iran hostage crisis hurt Carter in the election of 1980.
6. What foreign policy issue hurt Carter in the election of 1980?
A. The Iran hostage crisis
B. ...