Weegy: Check-in, initial briefing, recordkeeping, and demobilization procedures p are all necessary to ensure: Accountability
User: 6. At the incident scene, who handles media inquires?
A. External Affairs Specialist
B. Media Relations Specialist
C. Public Information Officer
D. Communications Officer
Weegy: C. Communications Officer handles media inquires
User: 7. You are a Group Supervisor working in a Branch within the Operations Section. Who is your immediate supervisor?
A. Branch Leader
B. Branch Executive Officer
C. Branch Director
D. Branch Chief
Weegy: If you are a Group Supervisor working in a Branch within the Operations Section your immediate supervisor would be the Branch Director.
User: 8. Who has overall responsibility for managing the on-scene incident?
A. Incident Commander
B. Agency Executive
C. Operations Section Chief
D. Emergency Operations Center Manager
Weegy: Who has overall responsibility for managing the on-scene incident?
The Incident Commander has overall responsibility for managing the incident by establishing objectives, planning strategies, and implementing tactics.
User: 9. The Operations Section Chief:
A. Prepares and implements the Incident Communication Plan.
B. Coordinates communication between all responding agencies.
C. Sets up and maintains all incident facilities and food services.
D. Directs tactical actions to achieve the incident objectives.
Weegy: The Operations Section Chief (D) Directs tactical actions to achieve the incident objectives.