Weegy: An outcome of the War of 1812 was: similar land boundaries.
User: Why did people move to specific towns
Weegy: They United against Native American tribes is the reason people move to specific town.
User: What happened to the Mandan village after the Louis and Clark expedition
Weegy: A fort was established and many were killed by disease is what happened to the Mandan village after the Lewis and Clark expedition.
User: What was the role of women as industry increased
Weegy: The role of women as industry increased was: They led the household.
User: What did George stephenson invent
Weegy: George Stephenson invented the steam locomotive.
User: How many states broke away from the United States to form the confederacy
Weegy: 11 states broke away from the United States to form the Confederacy.
User: What was the main topic of the Lincoln Douglas debates
Weegy: The main topic of the Lincoln-Douglas debates was Slavery.
User: Why was the election of 1864 notable
Weegy: The election of 1864 was notable because: It happened despite being in the middle of a Civil War.
User: Why were the border states important to the north during the Civil War
Weegy: The border states were important to the north during the Civil War because they were slave states that could have joined the Confederacy.
User: Which of the following was an advantage the south had over the north in the Civil War