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Supreme court justice are appointed for a term of
Supreme Court justices are appointed for life.
|Score 1|sacha|Points 57812|
Question|Asked by Brissagarc
Asked 3/6/2019 10:37:47 AM
Updated 3/6/2019 11:05:50 AM
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Confirmed by yumdrea [3/6/2019 11:05:50 AM]
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Questions asked by Brissagarc
On election day voters for presidents are really voting for
Weegy: On Election Day, voters for president are really voting for electors. User: John Quincy has been a citizen of the United States for eight years he’s 27 years old if John decides to run for Congress what are his options Weegy: John Quincy has been a citizen of U.S for 8 yrs. He is 27 yrs old. If John decides to run for Congress, he can run for the House but not the Senate User: The process by which the constitution was approved by the state is known ass Weegy: The process by which the Constitution was approved by the states is known as ratification. User: The two proposed plans for the constitution agreed on Weegy: The two proposed plans for the Constitution agreed on having three branches of government. User: Suppose a bill has passed both of the House and the Senate it goes to the president at the beginning of the annual session of the Congress the president doesn’t sign the bill but hold it for more than 10 days what happens to the bill Weegy: Suppose a bill has passed both the House and the Senate. It goes to the president at the beginning of the annual session of Congress. The president doesn't sign the bill but holds it for more than 10 days. The bill becomes law. User: The right to petition members of the girl is contained in the amendment to the constitution Weegy: The right to petition members of the government is contained in the FIRST Amendment to the Constitution. User: The delegate who created the compromise for the constitution was Weegy: The delegate who created the compromise for the Constitution was Roger Sherman. User: The New Jersey plan called for Weegy: The New Jersey plan called for equal representation for all states in the Congress. User: For impeachment proceedings to be in a president has to be accused of Weegy: For impeachment proceedings to begin, a president has to be accused of a crime. User: Senator John tester of Montana was reelected in 2012 if he decides to run again when his current ... (More)
Question|Asked by Brissagarc
Not Answered
Updated 116 days ago|10/15/2024 9:40:50 AM
0 Answers/Comments
If you are charged with reckless driving your case will most likely be presented to a
Weegy: If you are charged with reckless driving your case will most likely be presented to a court of limited jurisdiction. (More)
Question|Asked by Brissagarc
Updated 116 days ago|10/14/2024 4:56:30 PM
0 Answers/Comments
Supposedly you walk into the capital in Washington DC and asked to interview the most prominent person in the entire Congress if they except you give me appointment with the
Weegy: Suppose you walk into the capital in Washington and asked to interview the most prominent person in the entire congress. If they accept, you'll get an appointment with the: Speaker of the House. User: The right to remain silent When the Westin or into again it is guaranteed under User: The rights of a mess that I’m in a restaurant interrogated is guaranteed under User: The right to remain silent when arrested or interrogated is guaranteed under (More)
Question|Asked by Brissagarc
Not Answered
Updated 116 days ago|10/15/2024 9:37:17 AM
1 Answer/Comment
The right to remain silent when arrested or interrogated is guaranteed under the FIFTH AMENDMENT.
Added 3/6/2019 11:01:08 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Confirmed by [10/15/2024 9:37:18 AM]
Which of the following is not a power of the United States Congress? A. Enforcing immigration laws B. Regulating commerce between the states C. Establishing and paying for the armed forces D. Levying and collecting taxes
Weegy: The following is not a power of the United States Congress: Enforcing immigration laws. (More)
Question|Asked by Brissagarc
Expert Answered
Updated 3/6/2019 6:06:18 PM
0 Answers/Comments
How were royal colonies different from corporate colonies
Question|Asked by Brissagarc
Not Answered
Updated 11/25/2020 12:43:29 PM
1 Answer/Comment
Royal colonies were owned by an individual proprietor or by a small group of proprietors under a charter from the monarch while corporate colonies had a charter granted by the English monarch to stockholders was how royal colonies were different from corporate colonies.

Added 11/25/2020 12:43:29 PM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
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