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Who designates the process for transferring command
Asked 8/22/2022 7:41:17 PM
Updated 8/22/2022 8:29:03 PM
1 Answer/Comment
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User: Who designates the process for transferring command

Weegy: The jurisdiction or organization with primary responsibility for the incident designates the Incident Commander and the process for transferring command. [ ]
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User: In a unified command, members representing multiple jurisdictions and agencies work together to establish

Asked 8/22/2022 7:41:17 PM
Updated 8/22/2022 8:29:03 PM
1 Answer/Comment
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In a Unified Command, members representing multiple jurisdictions and agencies work together to establish the incident objectives.

Added 8/22/2022 8:29:03 PM
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Questions asked by the same visitor
Which NIMS component includes the incident command system(ICS)?
Weegy: The NIMS component which includes the Incident Command System is: Command and Management. User: In a unified command, members representing multiple jurisdictions and agencies work together to establish: (More)
Not Answered
Updated 8/22/2022 8:26:37 PM
1 Answer/Comment
In a Unified Command, members representing multiple jurisdictions and agencies work together to establish the incident objectives.

Added 8/22/2022 8:26:37 PM
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Major activities of the planning sections include:
Weegy: The major activities of the Planning Section include: Preparing and documenting Incident Action Plans. User: Which ICS functional area sets the incident objectives, strategies, and priorities, and has overall responsibility for the incidents? Weegy: Incident Command sets the incidents objectives, strategies and priorities and has overall the incident. (More)
Updated 182 days ago|8/9/2024 7:10:04 AM
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How many NIMS management characteristics are there?
Weegy: There are 14 NIMS Management Characteristics. User: At the incident scene who handles media inquires? Weegy: At the incident scene, Public Information Officer handles media inquires. User: When command is transferred, the process should include a (n) (More)
Not Answered
Updated 8/22/2022 8:25:53 PM
1 Answer/Comment
When command is transferred, the process should include a briefing that captures all essential information for continuing safe and effective operations.
Added 8/22/2022 8:25:53 PM
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Which ICS functional area establishes tactics and directs all operational resources to achieve the incident objectives?
Weegy: Operations establishes tactics and directs all operational resources to achieve the incident objectives. (More)
Updated 12/12/2023 2:07:57 AM
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Which member of the command staff Interfaces with other agencies to meet incident related information requirements
Weegy: Public Information Officer interfaces with other agencies to meet incident related information requirements. User: Incident objectives that drive incident operations are established by the Weegy: Incident objectives that drive incident operations are established by the: Incident Commander or Unified Command. User: Which ics functional area monitors costs related to the incident and provides accounting, procurement, time recording, and cost analysis Weegy: Finance/Administration monitors costs related to the incident and provides accounting, procurement, time recording, and cost analysis. User: Within the National Incident Management System characteristics, the concept of common terminology covers the following except: (More)
Not Answered
Updated 8/22/2022 8:25:10 PM
2 Answers/Comments
Within the National Incident Management System Characteristics, the concept of common terminology covers all of the following EXCEPT: Technical Specifications.

Added 8/22/2022 8:24:40 PM
Within the National Incident Management System Characteristics, the concept of common terminology covers all of the following EXCEPT: Technical Specifications.
Added 8/22/2022 8:25:10 PM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
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