Weegy: Animism is the worldview that non-human entities such as animals, plants, and inanimate objects possess a spiritual essence.
User: What did Europeans do as they established colonies in the Americas
Weegy: Attempted to convert indigenous peoples to Christianity. -is what Europeans do as they established colonies in the Americas.
User: Under what empire was the Taj Mahal constructed
Weegy: The Taj Mahal was part of Mughal empire.
User: The Empire was very populous, containing more than all of Europe's population at the time
Weegy: The Roman empire was very populous, containing more than all of Europe's population at the time.
User: How did minting coins help Orhan rule the Ottoman Empire
Weegy: To establish unity within the empire, Orhan, leader of the ottomans, began minting coins.
User: Which of the following concepts about slavery in the Americas is true
Weegy: It came to be base on race is thd concepts about slavery in the Americas is true.