Question and answer
15. If you wanted to determine where you were in relation to the current wind fields, which product would you look at? A. Surface wind field B. Tropical cyclone forecast discussions C. Special tropical cyclone public advisories D. Wind speed probability forecasts
If you wanted to determine where you were in relation to the current wind fields, you would look at Surface wind field.
Question|Asked by Jeanine0328
Asked 7/18/2018 12:32:09 AM
Updated 11/26/2019 1:06:37 PM
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If you wanted to determine where you were in relation to the current wind fields, you would look at Surface wind field.
Added 11/26/2019 1:06:37 PM
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Questions asked by Jeanine0328
. Under what circumstances is isolation necessary when dealing with hazardous materials events? A. During the hospital evacuation B. When radioactive contamination is suspected C. When hazardous materials emit vapors or gases D. When hazardous materials contamination is known or suspected
Question|Asked by Jeanine0328
Not Answered
Updated 3/25/2020 7:30:47 PM
1 Answer/Comment
Under the following circumstances isolation is necessary dealing with hazardous materials events: When hazardous materials contamination is known or suspected.
Added 3/25/2020 7:30:47 PM
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If you have a diagnostic X-ray, then you have been: A. Exposed to potentially lethal doses of radiation B. Externally irradiated C. Contaminated D. Made radioactive
Question|Asked by Jeanine0328
Not Answered
Updated 7/15/2018 9:49:16 PM
1 Answer/Comment
If you have a diagnostic X-ray, then you have been: Externally irradiated.
Added 7/15/2018 9:49:16 PM
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Confirmed by matahari [7/15/2018 9:53:21 PM]
How is the exposure rate generally expressed?
Weegy: The exposure rate generally expressed: in Roentgens Per Hour. (More)
Question|Asked by Jeanine0328
Expert Answered
Asked 7/15/2018 3:31:51 PM
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If you have a diagnostic X-ray, then you have been: A. Exposed to potentially lethal doses of radiation B. Externally irradiated C. Contaminated D. Made radioactive
Weegy: If you have a diagnostic X-ray, then you have been: Externally irradiated. (More)
Question|Asked by Jeanine0328
Expert Answered
Asked 7/15/2018 3:29:11 PM
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Why might you place an X in the aesthetic concerns boxes for elevation projects on the Preliminary Floodproofing/Retrofitting Preference Matrix?
Question|Asked by Jeanine0328
Not Answered
Updated 5/23/2020 5:26:52 AM
1 Answer/Comment
You might place an X in the aesthetic concerns boxes for elevation projects on the Preliminary Floodproofing/Retrofitting Preference Matrix when: The homeowner might feel that elevated homes are not visually appealing.

Added 5/23/2020 5:26:52 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
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