why do low density and high density polyethylene differ in density?
The difference in high-density polyethylene and low-density polyethylene is the degree of branching. The mechanical properties change drastically when comparing high-density polyethylene to low density polyethylene. [ In general, the degree of branching in polyethylene determines its mechanical properties. For example, high-density polyethylene is more crystalline than low-density polyethylene because it contains fewer branches. Unlike low-density polyethylene, Karl Ziegler created polyethylene with the use of a catalyst at atmospheric pressure. However, at first, this process did not go
very smoothly. At first, Ziegler reacted Aluminum triethyl, a metal alkyl, with ethylene gas at atmospheric pressure. The reaction only yielded polyethylene with a molecular weight of 4,000. The reason for this is due to the displacement reaction where the aluminum-carbon bond displaces into a double bond. ]
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selymi|Points 6663|
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Asked 11/11/2011 7:45:10 AM
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