Weegy: The amount of sleep your body needs on a regular basis is called basal sleep.
User: Equal Rights
Weegy: Equal may refer to: Equality before the law, when all people have the same rights.
User: The remaining amount after deductions in salary.
Weegy: The remaining amount after deductions in salary is Net income.
User: A smaller group of people within a larger group
Weegy: User: Combinations of some type of designs or styles.
Weegy: Combinations of some type of designs or styles are Patterns.
User: A group that has exclusive business rights and titles.
Weegy: A group that has exclusive business rights and titles is Company.
User: Public policy and Politics
Weegy: Politics is the means by which a community makes collective decisions about public issues; Public policy refers to the decisions and actions that are taken by the government when it addresses public issues or those that concern the entire [ community.
User: A written agreement
Weegy: A written agreement is a legal document summarizing the agreement between parties.
User: The shares of a company
Weegy: The shares of a company are stocks.
User: Acceptance, Perception and Conclusion
Weegy: Acceptance, Perception and Conclusion are beliefs.
User: Basing the Results on Probability
Weegy: The Basing the Results on Probability is Calculation.
User: The angle is less than 180 degrees, but more than 90 degrees.
Weegy: Obtuse angle is less than 180 degrees, but more than 90 degreees.
User: This number represents the equal number of parts that equal a whole in a fraction.
Weegy: Denominator represents the equal number of parts that equal a whole in a fraction.
User: A holder in an investment.
Weegy: Stakeholder is a holder in an investment.
User: The money being made in a company.
Question 15 options: