Weegy: C. quality assurance
User: 27) Which type of control works best when there is “no one best way” to do a job and employees are empowered to make decisions?
A. Bureaucratic control
B. Market control
C. Clan control
D. Performance control
Weegy: C. Clan control works best when there is no one best way
User: 28) This type of control takes place while plans are carried out, and is the heart of any control system.
A. Feedback control.
B. Concurrent control
C. Feed forward control
D. Market control
Weegy: B. Concurrent control takes place while plans are carried out
User: 29) Where are performance data commonly obtained?
A. Oral and written reports and personal observation
B. Supervisors, line managers, and coworkers
C. Top, middle, and lower management
D. Competitors
Weegy: Performance data is commonly obtained D. Competitors
User: 30) The last step in the control process is
A. taking corrective action
B. setting performance standards
C. measuring performance
D. comparing performance
Weegy: The last step in control process is A. taking corrective action
(More) 3
The pharmaceutical manufacturer is engaging in the management function of controlling by actively monitoring its products to ensure they fall within rigid control ranges and making adjustments when negative trends occur.
Added 11/1/2023 12:24:55 AM
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Performance data are commonly obtained from Oral and written reports and personal observation.
Added 11/1/2023 12:31:28 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.