Weegy: The name given to Southern laws that listed the ways slaves were to be treated was: Slave Code.
User: What name was given to a person who opposed slavery
Weegy: The name given to a person who opposed slavery is abolitionist.
User: Which of the following statements best describes President Johnson’s managing of the reconstruction
Weegy: He was more lenient towards former Confederates than the Radical Republicans wanted. -best describes President Johnson's managing of the Reconstruction.
User: How many states broke away from the United States to form the confederacy
Weegy: 11 states broke away from the United States to form the Confederacy.
User: the compromise of 1850 centered around what issue
Weegy: The Compromise of 1850 centered around the issue of slavery.
User: A goal of the border ruffians during the time of bleeding Kansas was to vote illegally for a/an
Weegy: A goal of the Border Ruffians during the time of "Bleeding Kansas" was to vote illegally for a pro-slavery government in Kansas.
User: What was mat turner best known for