Question and answer
Who was the famous leader during the Haitian Revolution?
Asked 19 days ago|1/28/2025 5:24:02 AM
Updated 19 days ago|1/28/2025 5:45:53 AM
4 Answers/Comments
Followed by Jerfhardy
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User: Who was the famous leader during the Haitian Revolution?

Weegy: The Haitian Revolution took place beetween 1791 1804.
|Score .9793|Tadpolelvr89|Points 0|

User: What major legislative act abolished slavery in the United States?

Weegy: United Airlines, Inc., is a major American airline headquartered at the Willis Tower in Chicago, Illinois. United operates a large domestic and international route network spanning cities large and small across the United States and all six inhabited continents.

Score .7778

User: Who discovered the Americas in 1492?

Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.

Score .8977

User: Which event marked the beginning of the women's suffrage movement in the US?

Weegy: Women's suffrage is the right of women to vote and to stand for electoral office.

Score 1

User: Who was the last ruler of the Inca Empire before the Spanish conquest?

Asked 19 days ago|1/28/2025 5:24:02 AM
Updated 19 days ago|1/28/2025 5:45:53 AM
4 Answers/Comments
Followed by Jerfhardy
New answers
The last ruler of the Inca Empire before the Spanish conquest was Atahualpa.
Added 19 days ago|1/28/2025 5:43:06 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Confirmed by yumdrea [1/28/2025 5:46:21 AM]
The event marked as the beginning of the women's suffrage movement in the US is the Seneca Falls Convention.
Added 19 days ago|1/28/2025 5:44:18 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Confirmed by yumdrea [1/28/2025 5:45:53 AM]
The major legislative act that abolished slavery in the United States was the Thirteenth Amendment, ratified on December 6, 1865.
Added 19 days ago|1/28/2025 5:45:14 AM
The famous leader during the Haitian Revolution was Toussaint L'Ouverture.
Added 19 days ago|1/28/2025 5:45:53 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Confirmed by Janet17 [2/1/2025 5:36:34 PM], Confirmed by Janet17 [2/1/2025 5:36:35 PM]

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Updated 19 days ago|1/28/2025 4:05:36 AM
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Edinburgh was known as the "Athens of the North" during the Scottish Enlightenment.
Added 19 days ago|1/28/2025 4:05:36 AM
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Updated 19 days ago|1/28/2025 4:25:36 AM
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The Egyptian queen known for her relationships with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony was Cleopatra VII.
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Updated 19 days ago|1/28/2025 4:04:43 AM
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The scientific term for the study of the structure, behavior, and evolution of the universe is Cosmology.
Added 19 days ago|1/28/2025 4:04:43 AM
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Confirmed by Cliff: [1/28/2025 4:24:16 AM]
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