Weegy: 2x-3y=18 or, 2x-3(x-8)= 18, 2x-3x+24=18, -x=18-24,-x=-6,x=6. so, y= 6-8=-2
User: solve the system of equations by using the substitution method.2x-3y=18 and y=x-8
what is the ordered pair solution
Weegy: 2x-3y=18 or, 2x-3(x-8)= 18, 2x-3x+24=18, -x=18-24,-x=-6,x=6. so, y= 6-8=-2
User: does this many it has many solutions
Weegy: you can multiply the values of x,y with same no. for getting more solutions like x=12,y=-4 or, x=18,y= -6 etc