Weegy: 1.tyrant -Power-hungry militants who grabbed absolute control by force.
2.Assembly- set the rules and maintained authority within the city-state.
3.Solon-set up a code of law and he defined the duties of classes.
4.Noble-lofty, [ financially well to do citizens who carried considerable power within the community.
5.oligarchy- a small group of aristocratic-type men.
User: Nobles had overthrown most of the monarchs by:
400 B.C.
650 B.C.
750 B.C.
1000 B.C
Weegy: Nobles had overthrown most of the monarchs by: 750 B.C.
User: The democracy of Greek city-states was limited in that no women or slaves could vote.
Weegy: True, democracy of Greek city-states was limited since no women or slaves could vote.
User: The rivalries between the city-states had no redeeming value whatsoever.
Weegy: False
User: In , Solon was chosen as an Athenian statesman with reformation powers.
User: The beginnings of democracy were seen in Athens a little more than 400 B.C.