Weegy: Because a chart is a graphic, it can be dragged to another area of the worksheet.
User: Applying what formatting option to your Excel workbook will make it easier to read one printed out?
Weegy: Applying Alignment to your Excel workbook will make it easier to read when printed out.
User: _____ A file transfers a copy of the file from the storage media into your computers memory.
Weegy: Saving a file transfers a copy of the file from the storage media into your computer's memory.
User: When activated, and Excel object has all the features of an Excel
Weegy: When activated, an Excel object has all the features of an Excel workbook.
User: The ____ has shortcuts to commonly used commands.
Weegy: The Quick Access toolbar has shortcuts to commonly used commands.
User: You can drag a cell to a new location by pointing to the cell border until the pointer displays a _____ arrow, and then dragging the cell to the new location.
Weegy: You can drag a cell to a new location by pointing to the cell border until the pointer displays a four-headed arrow, and then dragging the cell to the new location.
User: _____ is the command for opening a spreadsheet object in a separate spreadsheet window.
Weegy: Worksheet Object > Open is the command for opening a spreadsheet object in a separate spreadsheet window.
User: When you use the copy and paste commands, you are accessing