Question and answer
What is the term for a temporary state of mental distraction? A) Focus B) Attention C) Mindfulness D) Dissociation
Asked 15 days ago|1/22/2025 10:20:41 PM
Updated 15 days ago|1/22/2025 10:40:24 PM
4 Answers/Comments
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User: What is the term for a temporary state of mental distraction? A) Focus B) Attention C) Mindfulness D) Dissociation

|Score .9175|MrG|Points 50983|

User: Which psychological perspective focuses on unconscious motives? A) Behavioral B) Humanistic C) Psychoanalytical D) Cognitive

Weegy: The psychological theory that suggests our thoughts and behaviors are influenced by our unconscious mind is: Psychoanalytic Theory.

Score .8717

User: What is the primary focus of cognitive psychology? A) Behavior B) Thoughts C) Emotions D) Social Interactions

Weegy: Cognitive psychology is a subdiscipline of psychology exploring internal mental processes. It is the study of how people perceive, remember, think, speak, and solve problems.
|Score .7418|Masamune|Points 96122|

User: What is the term for a deep fear of social situations? A) Agoraphobia B) Social Anxiety Disorder C) Specific Phobia D) Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Weegy: Claustrophobia is an anxiety disorder having irrational fear of confined spaces. ]
|Score .8087|rrojiel|Points 20|

User: What does the term "emotional intelligence" refer to? A) Ability to solve math problems B) Ability to recognize and manage emotions C) Ability to learn fast D) Ability to remember facts

Asked 15 days ago|1/22/2025 10:20:41 PM
Updated 15 days ago|1/22/2025 10:40:24 PM
4 Answers/Comments
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Dissociation: is the term for a temporary state of mental distraction.

Added 15 days ago|1/22/2025 10:39:23 PM
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Ability to recognize and manage emotions: is what the term "emotional intelligence" refers to.
Added 15 days ago|1/22/2025 10:39:30 PM
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Social Anxiety Disorder: is the term for a deep fear of social situations.
Added 15 days ago|1/22/2025 10:40:06 PM
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The term "emotional intelligence" refer to: ability to recognize and manage emotions.

Added 15 days ago|1/22/2025 10:40:24 PM
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Questions asked by the same visitor
Incident objectives that drive incident operations are established by the:
Weegy: Incident means: an unexpected and usually unpleasant thing that happens. User: Which is the largest state in Mexico? Weegy: Russia is the largest country. (More)
Updated 16 days ago|1/22/2025 10:46:59 AM
2 Answers/Comments

Incident objectives that drive incident operations are established by the: Incident Commander or Unified Command.

Added 16 days ago|1/22/2025 10:45:38 AM
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The largest state in Mexico is: Chihuahua.

Added 16 days ago|1/22/2025 10:46:50 AM
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What is the chemical symbol for water? A) H2O B) CO2 C) O2 D) NaCl
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Updated 16 days ago|1/22/2025 10:48:51 AM
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H2O: is the chemical symbol for water.
Added 16 days ago|1/22/2025 10:48:51 AM
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Confirmed by yumdrea [1/22/2025 10:49:15 AM], Rated good by Jyoti_Yadav
Who discovered the law of gravity? A) Albert Einstein B) Isaac Newton C) Galileo Galilei D) Nikola Tesla
Weegy: Albert Einstein (14 March 1879 - 18 April 1955) was a German-born theoretical physicist. [ Einstein developed the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics (alongside quantum mechanics). ] User: Which planet is known as the Red Planet? A) Venus B) Mars C) Jupiter D) Saturn Weegy: The planet known as the Red Planet is: Mars. User: What is the longest river in the world? A) Amazon River B) Nile River C) Yangtze River D) Mississippi River Weegy: The longest river in the world is NILE. User: In literary terms, what is the struggle between opposing forces called? A) Theme B) Plot C) Conflict D) Narrative (More)
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Updated 16 days ago|1/22/2025 10:54:19 AM
2 Answers/Comments
The struggle between opposing forces in a story is called Conflict.
Added 16 days ago|1/22/2025 10:47:36 AM
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Confirmed by yumdrea [1/22/2025 10:53:12 AM]

Isaac Newton: discovered the law of gravity.

Added 16 days ago|1/22/2025 10:54:19 AM
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Which ancient civilization is known for building pyramids? A) Romans B) Mesopotamians C) Egyptians D) Greeks
Weegy: Mesopotamians came from the region of Western Asia situated within the Tigris Euphrates river system, in the northern part of the Fertile Crescent. User: Who wrote "Romeo and Juliet"? A) Mark Twain B) Charles Dickens C) William Shakespeare D) Jane Austen Weegy: William Shakespeare wrote "Romeo and Juliet". User: What is the powerhouse of the cell called? A) Nucleus B) Ribosome C) Mitochondria D) Golgi apparatus Weegy: Mitochondria: is the powerhouse of the cell. User: What is the capital city of France? A) London B) Berlin C) Rome D) Paris (More)
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Updated 16 days ago|1/22/2025 10:48:54 AM
2 Answers/Comments

Paris: is the capital city of France.

Added 16 days ago|1/22/2025 10:48:00 AM
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The "Egyptians" is known for building pyramids.

Added 16 days ago|1/22/2025 10:48:54 AM
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Who is known as the father of modern physics? A) Isaac Newton B) Albert Einstein C) Niels Bohr D) Galileo Galilei
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Updated 16 days ago|1/22/2025 10:47:27 AM
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Albert Einstein: is known as the father of modern physics.
Added 16 days ago|1/22/2025 10:47:27 AM
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Confirmed by yumdrea [1/22/2025 10:54:39 AM]
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