Weegy: Concerned about the Catholic minority in Maryland, Leonard Calvert ordered the Second Lord Baltimore to make a law requiring Catholics to practice their faith quietly and privately.
User: Which of the following is not an authoritarian form of government?
A. Dictatorship
B. Totalitarianism
C. Absolute monarchy
D. Direct democracy
Weegy: Direct democracy is not an authoritarian form of government.
User: Washington's surprise attack across the Delaware in December 1776 resulted in a victory against
A. British troops at Dorchester Heights.
B. Hessian troops at Trenton.
C. Hessian troops at Princeton.
D. British troops near Philadelphia.
Weegy: Washington's surprise attack across the Delaware in December 1776 resulted in a victory against Hessian troops at Trenton.
User: Under the reign of Louis XIV, the government in France was a/an
A. representative democracy.
B. direct democracy.
C. dictatorship.
D. absolute monarchy.
Weegy: Under the reign of Louis XIV, the government in France was an absolute monarchy.