Weegy: a.transitive
User: All verb tenses are formed using the _____.
c.principal parts
Weegy: d.infinitive. "To infinitive"
User: All of the following items are expressed in the subjunctive except _____.
a.a wish
b.a condition contrary to fact
c.a that clause expressing necessity
d.a statement of fact
Weegy: d.a statement of fact
(More) 3
Sammy listened as the owls hooted. The verb "listened" is intransitive.
Added 157 days ago|9/7/2024 7:10:52 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
All verb tenses are formed using the principal parts.
Added 157 days ago|9/7/2024 7:11:28 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.